Friday, January 4, 2019

Supergirl and TRON

When I watch older movies with a computer programming or video game element to them like War Games, The Net, The Wizard, or even Superman III, they look very dated.  It's a testament to the writing and art design of TRON to see how well that movie holds up over 35 years later.  I still love the special effects used on the Game Grid.  TRON absolutely amazed me as a kid, and I still like to revisit it every few years.


  1. great cover Ross....
    and the use of actors who are prominent on the CWs Supergirl...
    way, way cool....

  2. All too true, Ross. TRON was a box office flop at that time because it was too far ahead of its time! But, 35 years later, it is justly revered for the way it pioneered the field of computer-generated imagery.

  3. @Cary Comics(12/31/2018):Around a day ago, posted a picture of Tennessee Tuxedo Mask; it looked like Tennessee Tuxedo wearing Tuxedo Mask's cape and mask.

  4. Anon #1: Maybe Tennessee thought he was applying for a job babysitting baby birds (maybe penguins) when he was told he was going to be supervising "chicks". LOL! XD!

  5. Hey Ross would you make a cover for Mardi Gras this year with Swamp Thing and Gambit ?

  6. The irony is, most of the "computer" effects in Tron were traditional hand-painted animation.

  7. Ross, nice work finding the Supergirl logo from the comic book adaption of the movie, which fits this cover better than either of the 2 logos used on the movie posters. Slater's photo is from one of the publicity stills, correct?

  8. @Bob Buethe: is that from the same faux-news agency that initially reported we had lost Clint Eastwood?

  9. For your next movie covers you could have Thor and Orm (Aquaman's half-brother Ocean Master) followed by Aquaman with Loki. I am sure Thor and Arthur could have a long talk over many pints of Asgardian ale regarding their brothers.

  10. Or, even better, have them talking out their woes with Dr. Joyce! That way, you could entitle it...

    "The Trouble With Brothers."

  11. @Anon: No idea. But I knew that the Tron animation wasn't CGI, and that was the best article I found about it with a quick Google search.

    I didn't hear the news item about Eastwood, but that explains why I overheard a group of people discussing his career at a restaurant last night.

  12. Tron's animation might not have been totally cgi, in the accepted modern sense. But, it definitely wasn't Old School animation (in the Snow White-to-Winnie The Pooh sense), either. Perhaps more a combination of the two! Like, say, 49% Old School/51% computerized stop-motion cinematography.

  13. Well, that's my theory and I'm stickin' to it.
