Monday, January 7, 2019

Starman and Quasar

I liked the Will Payton Starman, even if that purple and yellow outfit was hard on the eyes (the switch later on to a red and black version of that design was a huge improvement).  Roger Stern is one of the most dependable superhero writers and his Starman series was no exception.  I thought it was very cool that this version was later connected to the Prince Gavyn Starman by writer James Robinson, cementing the legacy aspect of the heroic name.


  1. It's only natural that Roger Stern was such a brilliant writer for the third incarnation of STAR MAN. His very surname is German for "star!"

  2. No related to this comic but in the trailer for the revived Animated TV Show young justice includes what looks like a cameo by Metamorpho

  3. Robinson making it so Will was killed during his origin and always was the previous Starman bothered me so much I've never been able to read anything of the Robinson run since...

  4. @Steve: "Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!!"

  5. I actually preferred the purple and yellow, as it was so unusual. The black and red is rather generic (not to mention the dated bad hair that came along with it), and is far too dark for a person named "Starman". At least Thom Kallor Starboy has the starry white contrast in his black uniform!

  6. In the current DC Universe Will Payton returned in the Justice League. After Dark Metal it is implied that like Red Tornado he is an agent of the Challengers of the Unknown in exploring the Multiverse. It also appears he has no connection to Prince Gavyn (my favorite Starman) whatsoever. An interesting side note I can remember about 10 years ago reading some fan fiction where Payton killed Hawk and became the new Monarch. He increased his powers and abilities by hunting down the alien created "New Blood" characters and after killing them stole their alien abilities.
