Sunday, January 6, 2019

Mary Marvel and Invisible Girl

I liked this redesign of Susan Storm's outfit by Paul Ryan.  Some other costume changes she has had over the years did not really work for the character, but this one was a nice update that I would have liked to have seen hang around longer.  Mary Marvel's change to a white version of her costume was OK, but I have to say that nothing beats her classic look.


  1. To make it a full square deal, they could also team up against their dark evil selves as well.

  2. I don't know. Earth-3 Mary Marvel looks too much like Lady Blackhawk in that outfit.

  3. Personally, I think Sue looked best in her 1970's FF unitard. That being said, I wouldn't mind seeing a sequel with these ladies as their cartoon counterparts! 1980's Filmation Mary and H-B Sue Richards '67.

  4. I agree with you on Mary, Ross, but I'm on the fence as far as Sue. I think the original unitard really is ideal for her, but this one is pretty nice for updating.

    Unlike Wonder Woman's black jacket costume, which is generally disliked but is one of my own favorites.

  5. I still like Black Canary's 1980s costume...

  6. And I like the one Black Alice has when she's channeling Mary's power. Not as far gone as the Infinite Crisis Dark Mary, but still ... interesting.

  7. I kind of like the white better. It gives her a unique look, plus with Junior you get red, white, and blue. :)

  8. Can I just say that there is no better rogue than The Mole Man? Is it possible that he could be a Cobblepot? A distant cousin? I would love to see THAT team-up, or maybe Killer Croc...versus Batman and The Thing.

  9. Intriguing premise, Air Dave! But, how would such long-lost relatives reunite? Well, how about through the Frost Sisters; Emma, Whitney, and Crystal?

    Possible scenario: the Maggia, under Madame Masque, decides to infiltrate Gotham City. The Penguin naturally resents this, so he manipulates the Suicide Squad (including "Killer" Frost) into going after them. Whitney seeks shelter with her adoptive cousin, the White Queen of the Hellfire Club. But, the Suicide Squad pursues her, even there. Forcing Emma and Whitney to seek shelter with the Gotham City branch of the sewer-dwelling Morlocks, whose new best friend is...

  10. @Anonymous: As Brother Barnes might say to Reed Richards...

    "That's a bit of a stretch."

  11. Perhaps Mary Marvel has, like many heroes do, her own fan club. The "Mary Marvel Marching Society".
