Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Blonde Phantom and Black Canary

Having Earth One Black Canary be revealed to actually be the daughter of the original Earth Two Black Canary was a retcon that made sense to me.  I always wondered if there was an age difference between Dinah and Green Arrow when they became a couple, since she had been sharing adventures with the Justice Society for a while before he came along.  I also fondly remember an issue of Secret Origins which featured both of the Black Canaries, streamlining their history and focusing on their relationship with one another.


  1. Speaking of Black Canary, was I the only one seeing the now-blonde Black Widow in the fight scenes from the Infinity Wars and thinking Black Canary?

  2. Nice idea... and the artwork matches quite well, too.

    Re the two generations of 'Black Canary': Of course, by now granddaughter or even great-granddaughter would fit their ages better (and this would be a problem for other JSA/All-Stars legacy characters, if those were still within current continuity, too).

    I still hope to see the original Black Canary meet the original Black Cat...

  3. Ah, yes! The Blonde Phantom of Timely Comics. The Golden Age superheroine with the mutant ability to fight like Bruce Lee (while wearing a red form-fitting evening gown) and to run like Huseyn Bolt (in matching high heels).


  4. I remember first reading about the Blonde Phantom when she was a cast member in the She-Hulk book in the 1990s and the introduction of her daughter, the Phantom Blonde.

    Wouldn't mind seeing a team up with BP and the Phantom, Or in a goofy toon crossover the Phantom meeting the Funky Phantom

  5. Cary Comic --
    Is Huseyn Bolt any relation to Olympic runner Usain Bolt?

  6. So... would this cover be a case of the blonde leading the blonde? #BadPunNoCookie

  7. Things made a lot more sense back before someone decided everything had to be PC. Comics, movies, TV. Not much enjoyable anymore.

  8. One thing that creeped me out was having the JLA Black Canary thinking she was married to her dad for over 140 JLA issues.

    They should have addressed that incest angle better when they thought up the mother/daughter angle. The few female comic readers I knew at the time did not like it at all & stopped reading DC comics.

    Sorry Rob Cline but treating women & various minorities with respect & dignity is both good manners & good business sense. PC culture is fine with me.

  9. "PC culture is fine with me."

    Yeah, but even personal computers can be abused (just like illegal drugs).

  10. @Anon: I believe "p.c." also stands for "political correctness?"

  11. Ohhhhhhhh!

    That over-roasted chestnut. :P

  12. @Anonymous stop injecting illegal drugs into your computer! No wonder H.A.L. 9,000 went "Nutzo" and started smoking astronauts, H.A.L. 9'000 was "medicated".

  13. Actually, it was a resurgent mutation of the Westworld Virus (Cybercoccus yulbrynnerii).

  14. Cary Comic that reminds me, I forgot to send out an Invitation To A Gunfighter.

  15. Let me guess: in care of the Mexican resort town of San Cristobal Del Siete? ;-)

  16. English translation: "Saint Christopher of The Seven."
