Monday, October 22, 2018

Freddy Krueger Vs. Scooby Doo

When A Nightmare on Elm Street first hit the screens back in 1984, it was an instant with us kids in  high school.  Even as someone who never liked gory horror movies, I could see why.  Freddy Krueger had more humor and attitude than any movie monster that I had seen before.  He was as scary as Jason, The Wolf Man or Alien while chasing his victims, but he would also produce some killer one-liners while doing it.


  1. great beginning to a week plus of Halloween themed comic covers of superheroes and monsters...
    can i hope for a Doctor Syn (Scarecrow) cover? he is a favorite of mine this time of year....
    good on you, Ross, good on you...

  2. Maybe a Scooby-doo crossover with Futurama could be done, where Scooby is threatened with being neutered by a mind-controlled robot-bodied Bob Barker's head. LOL

  3. Freddy is going dooooooown!

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  5. Jack Kirby's Sandman (Garrett Sanford) would be the perfect guy to come to their rescue, right now.

  6. Cary Comic I'm Riffing here: "Lamont Cranston you Big Dummy." - From an episode of Sandman & Son.
    Hey Hold Up wait a second! Have Fred Sanford Team up with Ragman, I like that. "I Love It When A Plan Comes Together." - Colonel John "Hannibal" Smith (George Peppard).

  7. On the Quimby Network on Earth 23 Skiddoo.

  8. Have a Nightmare (Marvel) Freddy Krueger Cage match. Music By Cheap Trick and Rainbow. Now I see what I wanted to see because we're The Dream Police.

  9. The Corinthian (Vertigo) Versus Freddy Krueger. Sponsored By Cordoba of Chrysler. Why? If you don't know just AXE.

  10. The Scarecrow (Marvel) versus Freddy Krueger: "Moving Pictures"

  11. @Brother Barnes: I bow to the quicker thinker!

  12. Anything with Scooby or any other Hanna Barbera toon is instant win in my book :D

  13. Don't worry: Princess Luna has been on his trail for a while now, and in no time she'll end this nightmare and banish him to a particularly remote crater on the far side of the Moon.

  14. For all the Brawny Men out there: Here's To you The Quicker Pickerupppers!

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