Monday, September 24, 2018

Ikaris Vs. Darkseid

Marvel has found its Eternals director in Chloe Zhao.  I hope that lessons have been learned and more care is taken with this offshoot of humanity than was with The Inhumans.  The other question is whether this film will hit theaters before DC's own Jack Kirby epic, New Gods.  It will be interesting to watch the project develop and see if it can become another hit franchise.


  1. An Eternal versus a New God....

    Dang! Why didn't I think of that?

    Great idea and great execution.

  2. Don King would probably call this "The Battle of the Eye-beams."

    Probably the one fight I'd pay to see at Madison Square Garden.

  3. Awesome clash even if the Eternals are "New Gods Lite" to me. This makes me think of my favorite Darkseid moment for some reason : Darkseid is angry about something and to vent, punches his way down a long line of his soldiers, none of whom break rank while Darkseid beats down another of their comrades working his way down the line.

  4. Bravo, Ross!

    The King would be proud.

  5. Thanks, guys. I really like the way this one came out as well.

  6. Great!
    Would read.

    Now we need to see Orion team up with Captain Victory (of the Galaxy Rangers) who, according to their mutual creator Jack Kirby, was his son... maybe against Thanos?


  7. "...Fly On Your Way Like An Eagle..." - IroN MaideN. When Kirbys Kerfuffle!

  8. Now I want a clean fight No Disintegrations. The referees should Be Jack Kirby's: OMAC & Galactus. Big Barda and Shulkie should be the Card Girls.

  9. @Brother Barnes: I'd rather fly like an the sea.
