Thursday, September 20, 2018

Firestorm and The Defenders

Now that Marvel has access to virtually their entire library of characters for movie treatment, there's no reason we cant get a proper Defenders team up on the big screen. They already have Hulk, Dr. Strange and Valkyrie established to anchor the non-team.  Heck, they could even use the group as a lead up to their next big crossover film - live action Avengers/Defenders War, anyone?


  1. Ha! Hopefully we'll see that in our lifetime! Maybe with Namor, too!
    I remember when Firestorm joined the Justice League. JLA #179 was a pretty cool issue. I loved the splash page in there with all the previous "new" members... I think it's interesting that Alex Ross takes the Bronze Age up to Firestorm. That's really a change in the League right there...

  2. I thought it was cool when Firestorm joined the Justice League too. His youthful enthusiasm brought a refreshing change to the league. Little did I know at the time that he would be the last member to join the classic "satellite era" of the league. I know that I'm an old fogey, but this is still the classic Justice League as far as I'm concerned.

  3. Oh,a live-action ADW would be excellent!

  4. I could see this so much. You had Nova join the New Teen Titans and you have had the Defenders meet the New Teen Titans. How about a reteam of the Defenders and New Teen Titans with the 2 new members.

  5. Sweet cover. Look at Firestorm in the midst of all those iconic Defenders, just happy to be there. I still don't get why Alex Ross hates him though. Despite being a Marvel character in a the DCU, he was a pretty good addition to the classic Satellite era of the JLA.

  6. I agree with Dale, on all points. I personally put the end of the Bronze Age with the destruction of the JLA satellite.

    Unrelated: I've been seeing the trailers for the upcoming Captain Marvel movie, and it's interesting to see how much Brie Larson resembles Melissa Benoist (TV's Supergirl). I think there can be some hope for a photo-cover with the Danvers Twins after the movie's been out for a bit.

  7. "Love Will Tear Us Apart Again" - joy division.

  8. Me? I put the start of the Bronze Age with the publication of COIE #12. Everything prior to that I divide into the Early and Late Silver Ages. The latter beginning with the series premier of BATMAN ('66) on ABC.

  9. If a mere commenter (who does try to visit every day to see what's new) can offer a suggestion....

    I was actually happy to see that there's a link (as tenuous as it may be) between the British TV series Blakes' 7 and the Marvel Universe!

    I can't help but wonder.... Both Blake's 7 and Star Trek have a "Federation". But they are drastically different. What would happen if the Enterprise and the Liberator met?

  10. Richard, fret not. I was a "mere commenter" when Ross did Snow White and the 7 Soldiers of Victory!

  11. There's no such thing as a "mere" commenter. I treasure you all!

  12. Ross there is such a thing as a Meerkat though. Hakuna Matata :)

  13. I'm pretty sure it's just a passing craze.

  14. @Carycomic: "For shame, Doc. For shame! Hunting meerkats with an elephant gun."
