Saturday, August 11, 2018

Daredevil Vs. Catwoman

Daredevil is coming back to Netflix for a third season, and I am looking forward to where the story goes following the events of The Defenders.  The Kingpin will be back as well, and Bullseye is also finally slated to appear. I've been vary happy with the show so far, it doesn't seem to be as slow paced as some of the other Netflix Marvel series.  Something tells me this is the season Karen Page's past comes back to haunt her, they've been laying the groundwork for that for a while.


  1. If Batman and Daredevil were both in the same publication, I could also see Catwoman and Electra in that publication. I would think that the two would cross paths, perhaps even be members of a team together. I cannot, however, picture Daredevil in the Justice League or Batman in the Avengers. Rather I could see them in something like the Outsiders.

  2. Nice action scene! Is it from DAREDEVIL (v.1) #72?

  3. There's something that I've been wondering about for some time. Superheroes like Batman and Daredevil are often described as being "Olympic level athletes". Does this mean that the Jamaican bobsled team would make good superheroes?

  4. What's the story with that jaguar-like creature? It doesn't look like just a big cat, but it's not listed separately in the labels as a character.

  5. The DD vs. Big cat image is from an unpublished cover for DD #164 by Miller/Janson.

  6. Rats! I was so hoping it was Tagak's pet Opar.
