Monday, May 14, 2018

The Haunted Tank and The Hulk

The Marvel cinematic Hulk has been undergoing some changes.  In Thor: Ragnarok, it was revealed that he remained in Hulk form for over 2 years, and then in Avengers: Infinity War (SPOILERS past this point...……), we see the opposite playing out, with Banner in on the action and The Hulk refusing to emerge after getting smacked down by Thanos.  Are the Russo Brothers leading towards a merged Hulk in the next Avengers movie, with all the strength and intelligence of both of his sides working together?


  1. Great pun! But, the Haunted Tank running over the Hulk, even by accident? Uh-uh!

    Sergeant Jeb Stuart Smith and company better start singing "Tanks For The Memories."

  2. I think this title would probably have worked better if the Hulk had been teamed with the Star-Spangled Kid. And it doesn't look to me like the Tank is running over the Hulk; it looks more like it's headed in the direction of a downed Hulk, who is about to make known his opinion on the matter.

    As for the cinematic Hulk, I hadn't really thought about that, but I think you may be right. I might be interesting, too, if the Grey Hulk were to start showing up.

  3. Should have been Two-Face because its 2222.

  4. My point precisely, Bob. ;-D

  5. Semi-needless clarification: I'm the previously mentioned Anonymous.

    The comment window jumped while that fracking circle was still buffering!*

    *A portmanteau of "boring" and "suffering?"

  6. P.S.---why is Hulk back in WWII, anyhow? Are Kang and Per Degaton at it, again? Or is Degaton playing chronospatial chess with the Grandmaster (the original, and far superior, non-Goldblum version)?
