Monday, May 21, 2018

Cyclops and Swamp Thing

I was very glad to hear that a new Swamp Thing series will be a part of DC's new streaming service.  If they follow the Alan Moore run on the character and the effects are up to par, it could be very cool. The previous series featuring the muck-monster, both live action and animated, did not set a very high bar - so there's nowhere to go but up!

A big thank you to David Miller for giving me the suggestion to put Swamp Thing on Krakoa, a concept full of possibility!


  1. Now THIS I would absolutely love to see, Krakoa, the living Island VS. Swamp Thing, or hell, Man-Thing too!
    Brillant. Sweet cover.

  2. I am (almost) literally speechless.

    Good job, Ross! :-)

    And thank you, Dave Miller! :-D

  3. Thanks for using the idea, Ross. I always thought Krakoa got shortshrift at Marvel. For some reason TPTB think the concept is silly. - David Miller

  4. So obviously, next should be Black Canary and Songbird vs Krakoa in a karaoke contest...

    And Michael Jones... you weren't beaten nearly enough as a child, were you? Lovely comment... I get you, brother. :) :) :)

  5. do you think Krakoa the living island is located on Ego the living planet???
    ...and do you think Danny the living street is on Krakoa the living island???
    thanks for helping me think weird thoughts, Ross...

  6. @Jackel: how about..."Krakoa v. Kui-Kui-Kui?"

  7. Anonymous and jackel, how about krak(at)oa and Java?

  8. @Simon Stagg: they'd probably wind up having a love-child named...

    Kuppa-Kuppa-Kuppa. X-D

  9. @Cary Comic & Simon Stagg - I just wanna know if Krakoa is east or west of Java! ;-)

  10. @Isaac: I think it's to the east. But, the "west" of the world might disagwee with me.

    ;-) ;-)
