Saturday, April 7, 2018

Wolverine Vs. Deathstroke

These two tangled before, back in X-Men and The New Teen Titans - but their encounters were fleeting, just a panel or two.  It would be very cool to see them truly go head to head for a full issue.  My money's always on Logan, but it would be a fun fight to watch.  Thank you to Joe Carey, a Patron of this blog, for suggesting this match up.


  1. Ah, yes. X-MEN & THE NEW TEEN TITANS! The last of the original DC/Marvel crossovers of the 1970-80's. After that, it took twenty years--and two or three twelve-issue ret-cons--for the JLA to meet the Avengers.

    Thanks for the nostalgia, Ross. :-)

  2. Still waiting (eagerly) for that John Carter/Travis Morgan issue!

  3. When I finally got to read that long awaited fabled X-Men/New Teen Titans crossover comic, i remember being very disappointed at both the incomprehensible mess of a storyline, and the subpar artwork. What a letdown, honestly. Was I the only one who felt this way?

  4. @my namesake: I'd say that's a big 10-4, good buddy!

  5. Love it! This made my day. This blog is always a highlight in the day. But this one takes the cake!

  6. Thanks for the inspiration, Joe!

  7. [When I finally got to read that long awaited fabled X-Men/New Teen Titans crossover comic, i remember being very disappointed at both the incomprehensible mess of a storyline, and the subpar artwork. What a letdown, honestly. Was I the only one who felt this way?]

    I can see why it struck you this way, especially if you haven't read comics from the 80s before. The three previous crossovers were all one-shot stories; all you needed to know was who the characters were to be able to appreciate what was going on, and at that time there wasn't a comic book reader around that didn't know Superman, Spider-Man, Batman, the Hulk, Lex, Doom, the Joker, etc. (though maybe the Shaper of Worlds was a stretch). With X-Men / New Teen Titans, the story actually fits into the continuity Marvel and DC were running at the time. The X-Men were still recovering from the death of Jean Gray, as the decision to make Jean and the Phoenix separate entities had not been made yet. Darkseid was obsessed with unlocking the Anti-Life equation, and it made perfect sense for the Phoenix Force to be a key part of that formula. And as it stated in the issue, both teas of heroes claimed NYC as their stomping grounds, so having them run into each other, or the fall out of each other's battles, was a logical way to have them meet. I was more Marvel than DC back then, but I still read my share of NTT and I accepted everything in that comic as fitting more or less seamlessly into the running storylines at both companies. And as for the artwork, it was a step above the average newsstand comics that were pumped out back then, though it maybe didn't meet the standards of the pricier comic shop outlet comics.

    Part of what made the comic seem to perfect to me was the way Deathstroke and Wolverine knew of each other by reputation, and when they finally had their two confrontations, each only got a single blow to land on the other. They were simply that good. I've been dreaming of a rematch between those two for decades. Thank's, Ross!

  8. Major shout out to Super Team family. They’re killing it with these covers. Absolutely amazing 🤩
