Sunday, April 8, 2018

Aquaman and Storm

Aquaman in Justice League with his surfer dude attitude and shaggy look didn't remind me very much of the comic character, but I am still holding out hope for his solo film.  I am hoping the producers saw what has worked and what hasn't in the previous DCEU films, to make stronger and more faithful movies going forward.  My one main reason for optimism is director James Wan.  I really like his visual style and his action scenes always impress me.  Even if it might not be my Aquaman, it still has a chance to be a great action flick.


  1. Jim Aparo artwork!!! Always a treat! We dont get enough of it!!!

  2. Frankly, I think Ororo would be better off marrying the Fantastic Four's Human Torch.

    "Storm Storm" has such a nice ring to it. X-D

  3. I find the film Aquaman appealing. He has the bearded look Aquaman sometimes has and the outfit w/armor looks great. The tattoos are not for me but I never like tattoos. I do wish he was a blonde; DC films seems to be changing all blondes to brunettes.

  4. @Glen: That's because DC is over-compensating by trying to be PC.

  5. I'm not trying to be disagreeable, Anon, but what is not PC about blondes?

  6. In trying to attract more ethnically diverse movie-goers, a lot of old comic book favorites are being Afro-Americanized by Hollywood. So, to attract some of those movie-goers into becoming new readers, DC is following suit. Ret-conning all those with blue eyes and non-dark hair.

    Unfair over-generalizing? Maybe. But, only slightly...and definitely _not_ inaccurately!

  7. Batman of Earth 13April 10, 2018 at 5:32 AM

    Jason Momoa is native-Hawaiian, and his hair as Aquaman was significantly lightened. Also, in at least some of the pictures online of Mr. Momoa playing A-Man, his eyes are blue (or at least "blueish"). One could even say that Mr. Momoa has been "Aryanized" in order to play Aquaman. However, I'm not sure that it is wise to ascribe political motives to simple casting decisions--especially when one only has unsubstantiated opinion to support their point of view.

  8. Have they retconned Aquaman's origin story again? Last I read, he had been cast out by the Atlanteans as a child because blond hair was seen as a bad omen...

    1. The hair is important it's part of his origin. I wish they didn't change up the hair either. Sucks!

  9. @Simreeve: which is, itself, a ret-con of Aqualad's Silver Age origin! Albeit, it was _purple eyes_ that were supposed to be evil omens. A fact all too easily substantiated by any on-line reprint one cares to google.

  10. Waymon's right. Everybody knows blond superheroes have more fun!

  11. @next-to-last Anonymous: Well said!

  12. @Batman-13. Unsubstantiated? Maybe. Invalid? Undeniably not!
