Saturday, April 21, 2018

Man-Bat Vs. Baron Blood

Continued from yesterday.s cover, we finally get Man-Bat facing off against Baron Blood, a request I have received from time to time.  Don't worry, The Falcon saved his family.

I have liked Baron Blood ever since I first encountered him in an issue of Captain America during the Roger Stern/John Byrne run.  That was one of Cap's greatest story lines, and it has stayed with me decades after first reading it.

Make sure you come back tomorrow for STF #2200!


  1. I remember Baron Blood from The Invaders. If memory serves, he was Spitfire's brother. I think Spitfire had to have a transfusion or some such thing and got it from Jim Hammond - and she became Spitfire...

  2. He was Spitfire's uncle, the brother of the original Union Jack... but you're right about the blood transfusion.

    Later on, the name was claimed by Dr Strange's vampire brother.

  3. I love Baron Blood. I remember him from the Invaders too. It's too bad that he was ultimately destroyed. I would have enjoyed interactions with the villains of my major comic book reading days (1980s). This is a great match up.

  4. This definitely puts the "bat" in "battle royal!"

    P.S.---I am not a ro-bat. ;-D

  5. I like how these guys (Man-Bat, Falcon, Baron Blood) have wings that are actually attached to their arms. While the visual look of Hawkman and Angel is striking, morphologically it makes little sense since it requires mammals to have 6 limbs in order for it to work. Though I guess that criticism only applies to those, like Angel, for whom the wings are organically part of their body. If you strap 'em on, like Hawkman or Falcon, I guess you can have as many appendages as you want.

  6. I was reading when they introduced Baron Blood in The Invaders, and I loved seeing his return (and beheading) in Captain America, but... Dr. Strange's vampire brother? I never saw that one. Sheesh!

  7. I also remember the Baron from the Invaders, as Roy Thomas completed his set of doppelgangers for DC's Big 3, along with Master Man and Warrior Woman.

  8. ...What, like anyone's going to miss any of your centenary issues? No way! Not if we've been here long enough to know what you do with them!

    @Cary: I think you've come up with the title for this story.

  9. So glad to see Francine and Rebecca are safe! Thanks for letting us know.

  10. Loved the Invaders especially the axis villains in same manner I loved All Star Squadran, etc. Superheroes ("Mystery heroes") belong in that era and wish a publisher could sustain such a comic today. Only one I know ongoing is The Specialists, an alternate world online comic which is also on Patreon and I discovered here.
