Friday, April 20, 2018

Man-Bat and The Falcon

With Chris Evans strongly hinting that he will be done with the role of Captain America soon, many are speculating that the MCU will follow the comics and his mantle will be passed to either Sebastian Stan's Bucky or Anthony Mackie's Falcon.  While either would be interesting to see, I think, Bucky is probably the better choice.  I never thought that having the wings and the shield together ever really worked when Sam Wilson took on the role, and I wouldn't want to see him give up flying.

This is only Part One of a Two-Part Epic - so make sure you come back tomorrow for the thrilling conclusion!



    Maybe these two will team up with Blade against him.

    Thank you, Ross. :-)

  2. I echo Anon's opening statement (albeit, with a little more self-restraint). Also, if memory serves, Marvel already published a team-up between Blade and the Falcon. Quite recently, too!

  3. Sam Wilson as Captain America is such a powerful image that I'd rather see him do it, even if it means clipping his wings.

  4. As soon as I saw the reference to Baron Blood, I was hoping there'd be a follow-up chapter!

  5. When I saw this pairing, I thought, "Hm, that's an interesting-looking pairing. I wouldn't have thought of it." I figured there would have to be some kind of interesting-looking story behind it, and sure enough, you have one.

    For my own part, if I were to team Baron Blood up with someone from DC, it would probably be Brother Blood -- more than just the similarity in name, it would make for a lot of fun with alliteration.

    Hey, it's not quite as offbeat as Doctor Strange vs. Mxyzptlk.

  6. Wasn't there an old Hammer Film that starred Joseph Cotten as a revivified sorcerer by that title?

  7. Yest, though it wasn't a Hammer Film. Just an Italian/German co-produced imitation thereof!

  8. @Carycomic: as in "Yest-erday, all my troubles seemed so far away?"

  9. @KerryYates: Holy Deja Vu, Batman? Didn't Ross get a similar request about 5 weeks ago?
