Thursday, April 5, 2018

Green Lantern and Beta Ray Bill

I had figured that the third Thor film would be the last one for a while, but with the positive reaction from critics and audiences, as well as the new status quo, I'm thinking another installment is looking more likely.  Beta Ray Bill was teased in Thor: Ragnarok as one of the champion statues on the Grandmasters arena, and now I am ready for a full fledged co-starring role for him.  The work with Hulk and Korg shows that the motion capture technology is definitely there to bring him to life, all it would take is finding an actor with the right voice to portray him.


  1. Clancy Brown would be a good choice for Bill...

  2. Except they just used his voice for Surtur.

  3. Maybe Sinestro is hoping to do, with his power ring, what the Mandarin's rings did to former Yellow Claw minion, Lo Duc (i.e., a body swap).

  4. If he doesn't mind the ugly Beta Ray Thor look.

  5. @my namesake: LOL! Good point.

  6. Unless they fix the killing of the Warriors Three with Ragnarok I think it will lose some of the appeal to me.

  7. For an action-capable actor with the ability to give an appropriate voice for Beta Ray Bill, I'd suggest Mark Hamill or Kevin Michael Richardson.

  8. Mark Hamill AND Kevin Michael Richardson would be cool. Hamill does the voice before he changes and Richardson afterwards!

  9. @Bob Greenwade: I'd prefer Keith David. That's guy voice was so fitting for the often-genteel/occasionally volatile Goliath of DISNEY'S GARGOYLES!

  10. Man! I take a few days off...and I come home to find you've flooded this page with instant classics. Way to go, Ross!!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Btw: I agree with the most recent Anonymous. Keith David's voice would be _perfect_ for a CGI Beta Ray Bill. Both before AND after being Asgardianized!

  13. Anonymous: I second that emotion.
