Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Deadman and Captain Marvel

There was lots of talk of Nanda Parbat on Arrow a few seasons back, so I was hoping they were planting the seeds for a Deadman appearance. Alas, it did not happen, nor did the proposed Deadman solo TV series that was proposed.  Boston Brand is usually mentioned as being a member of the on-again, off-again Justice League Dark movie... which seems to be off again these days, I haven't heard much news about that lately.  Hopefully comics greatest undead hero will finally end the curse and break through to live action soon.


  1. or maybe a DEAD action series....lol....(sorry!)....lol

  2. How about Deadman and Dr. Weird; their logos, at least once, look similar.

  3. In Wikipedia, Dr. weird was described as a time traveler who was killed before he was born, stranding him away from the afterlife beyond, like Deadman.

  4. Maybe "Deadman is considered too morbid a title for a live-action TV show. If so, Boston might have to adopt a better Brand name. Something more marketable like...Nanda-Parbatman.

    I can hear it now.

    "Nanananananananana. Nanda-Parbatman!"

  5. lol...THAT"S funny.....lol.....love it....lol

  6. maybe deadman needs a new job....at the post office.... in the "DEAD letter" office.....lol!!!!

  7. Non-corporeal hero possesses the bodies of different people at crucial moments in their lives...

    If they did a Deadman show, folks would probably call it a rip-off of "Quantum Leap."

  8. I think circuses are considered too old these days and the circus is the basis for Deadman.

  9. @GH: they could ret-con him as a member of Cirque du Soleil in Las Vegas. That way, the script writers could still keep the "killed by a hook-handed sniper" angle of his origin!*

    *Given how the town is still associated with organized crime, despite the massive image "clean-up" over the last twenty years.

  10. This one's such a natural team-up between these two I can't believe I didn't think of it either. Great art choices here.

    I don't think Deadman is too morbid a title, considering you've already got shows called "The Walking Dead" and "Fear the Walking dead", or "IZombie."

    It could, and really should be done, provided the right cast and crew is used. I'd make it more an anthology series, with Deadman interacting with a different person each episode, like the old Incredible Hulk show, but I'm sure a show with more a theme and interconnectivity would be preferred by the execs.

  11. ...as i always like to try my hand at putting together a group of similar theamed heroes how about the following....
    Deadman... Solomon Grundy...
    Death from the Endless...
    Sam Beckett from Quantum Leap...
    Deadgirl from X-Statics... and
    Marvel's Doctor (or Brother Voodoo....
    ...on another note could Deadman possess Solomon Grundy???
    i really like this cover, Ross...
    it really got my mentel gears going....

  12. @Dale: that's why I said "Maybe..." ;-D

  13. And the final score?

    Anon: 1

    Dale: 0

    Now, how about them Yankees?

  14. @Cary Comic: Not getting the meaning behind that last comment. Care to elaborate?

  15. Just trying to head off another round of Earth-13-style "bantering." But, maybe, I was just being needlessly paranoid.
