Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Captain Britain and Sgt. Rock

Has Captain Britain ever made the leap to other media?  I am trying to recall whether he has had any animated appearances or showed up in any video games.  The 90's Spider-Man and X-Men cartoons would sometimes feature fleeting cameos of other Marvel characters, but I don't remember if he made the cut.


  1. Do I remember correctly that the original cover was from 'The Brave & the Bold', with Batman instead of Captain Britain?

  2. superhero squad season 1 ep. 11 "oh, captain, my captain!" .. and yes, maybe somewhere in the x-men cartoon series, not so sure about that :).

  3. Awww, and here I was hoping there was actual Jim Aparo artwork featuring Sgt. Rock out there somewhere!! Great work regardless Ross. I love it when you use the late great Jim Aparo (or Gene Colon) in your blog.

  4. Ah, Captain Britain. Such a cool superhero... probably because I’m British as well.

  5. Congratulations, Ross! You have successfully surpassed the delightful offbeat-ness of Plastic Man Meets Medusa. :-)

  6. No, I don't think he ever did. In fact, with the exception of EXCALIBUR, I think he rarely ever saw publication (on any regular basis) in Marvel mags _outside_ the UK!

  7. Nice cover! Sadly it's 44 stunning pages I'll never get to read.
    It's time for the return of CAPTAIN CANUCK to the pages of STF.

  8. Captain Britain in unlockable in at least the first Lego Marvel Super Heroes game (you even get to drive around in a Mini decorated with the Union Flag).

  9. Checking Wikipedia: Captain Britain appeared on TV in X-Men ("The Starjammers"), The Super Hero Squad Show ("O Captain, My Captain"), and Marvel Anime: X-Men (final episode); as well as the Facebook game Marvel: Avengers Alliance and the video games Lego Marvel Super Heroes and Lego Marvel's Avengers.

  10. Thanks for the heads-up, Bob. :-)

  11. Is it just me, or are super criminals much more likely than superheroes to have ranks above captain?

  12. @ my namesake: you know how super-villains love to over-compensate! ;-D
