Sunday, April 15, 2018

Ambush Bug Vs. Galactus

I remember the issue of DC Comics Presents where Ambush Bug made an early appearance, which featured Superman and The Legion of Substitute Heroes.  The story stood out for me because of it's humor.  while comics always had funny moments in them, this one was a straight up comedy, with amusing bits throughout the whole issue.  This style would become fairly common in later years with comics like Justice League International and Sensational She-Hulk, but it was quite a fresh change of pace back then.  As a bonus, that issue of DCCP also features a letter from yours truly - 14 year old me pointed out a costume continuity error from an earlier issue that featured Air Wave.


  1. legends of tomorrow needs an appearance of ambush bug at some point or supergirl

  2. academic pun...get it?April 15, 2018 at 9:03 AM

    Clearly Ambush Bug is MILKING the situation as much as he can.

  3. Sorry Ross, Ambush Bug first fought Supes and the Doom Patrol. He was a bit darker, he killed a man.

  4. Ah, right - that was in an early DCCP issue. The Legion Subs one must've been the second.

  5. @Ross: Yep! His encounter with the other LSH was his second chronological appearance during the Late Silver Age. Speaking of which; I think you substituted "Super" for "Substitute" in the main text of your article.


  6. P.S.---excellent re-edit!

  7. I am not sure who is more annoying - Deadpool or Ambush Bug. They should have a game a Russian roulette together but in the case use a M15!

  8. This is utterly brilliant. I would definitely buy this issue. (For that matter, I wish I could write it!)

    First Anonymous: If I had the opportunity to write an episode for any CW DC series, having Ambush Bug appear on Supergirl would be my #2 choice (after writing the Golden Age Sandman into The Flash as an "old friend" of Jay Garrick's).

  9. PS: That issue of DCCP also includes my favorite line regarding Ambush Bug" (paraphrasing from memory) "He's not the most dangerous foe I've ever fought, but he certainly can be the most aggravating."

  10. 14 year old me pointed out a costume continuity error from an earlier issue that featured Air Wave.

    Hahahahaha. Nerdnik!

    Some early X-Men comic has my letter suggesting Jean Gray's power should properly be called psychokinesis not telekinesis. I collected several "no-prizes."

    Galactus v Ambush Bug had me chuckling before the cover loaded up. Kick Me. Heh. A cosmic-level variation on the street urchin's snowball knocking the top hat off some big shot. Love the scale contrast - akin to Ant-Man versus the Living Planet. (Say!... This starts me thinking of all kinds of combos. Odin & Millie the Model... Adam Warlock v Bouncing Boy...)

  11. It's great getting a letter printed, isn't it? I got my name mentioned (special thanks) In the final issue of Marvel Age Magazine.

    Ambush Bug is a fun character. How about a team up with Forbush Man? When Irwin met Irving!

  12. How about Ambush Bug vs. Arthur The Moth?

    "I'm not a rabbit, darn it!"

  13. Ross, what a great cover.

    A suggestion: Fantastic Four and the Doom Patrol

  14. What my namesake said.

  15. Replies
    1. Oops. I'm not sure how I missed that link

  16. If you'd decided to end the series with this one I don't think there would be any cause for complaint.

    "Good night Cleveland, an THANK YOOOOOOU!"

    I want this comic.

  17. That first appearance of Ambush Bug where he fought Supes and the Doom Patrol was dark and HILARIOUS too. Its the first time i read an issue where heroes were genuinely humiliated. Its the last time we saw Ambush's real face too, in the final panel when he's in a prison cell.
