Saturday, March 10, 2018

Blackhawk and Han Solo

As you can see, Blackhawk is still hanging around the Millennium Falcon, which he first encountered in STF #2005... but this time around he has to deal with the true owner.  It will be interesting to see the origins of The Falcon in the upcoming Solo film.  It was cool to see it all polished and new in the trailer, before years of wear and modifications have been made.


  1. As I recall, Han won the MF from Lando Calrissian in a game of sabacc. I, for one, hope that part of the back story is allowed to remain intact. Thereby rendering it permanently canonical.

    1. was invented by Tim Karnes???

  2. I miss Blackhawk, and the character reached 75 years. DC did nothing to commemorate him.

  3. No, I'm pretty sure that honor goes to Donald F. Glut.

    ---Another Ymous

  4. In space, nobody can hear you "Hawkaaaa!"

  5. I have to wonder how Black Hawk wound up in the GFFA. Booster Gold teaming up with Axel Asher, maybe?

  6. August 1941 was the date on cover of Military Comics #1 by Will Eisner & company and that would make the date of the anniversary August 2016. Blackhawk had not been published in any form since 2012 so it would be hard to publish a 75th anniversary issue especially since the Blackhawks had been reimaged multiple times.

    I would like to see a Ross teamup of the Spirit (another Eisner creation controlled by Dynamite currently) and the Blackhawks. Several Blackhawks died over the years and the Spirit investigating the deaths with the remaining Blackhawks (spirits or alive) would be cool if Ross could find the right images.

  7. @ Glenn: Photo-captures from DC's First Wave website (if they have one) might help him in that department.
