Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Superman Vs. Nova

DC seems to be making a big deal out of the upcoming return of Superman's red trunks.  While I was getting used to his newest look since DC Rebirth, I never had a problem with the shorts, and I am glad to see the classic look return.  Will the movies, ahem,  follow suit? I wouldn't mind seeing them back, along with the "S" on the cape and a spit curl. 


  1. As long as it's a narrow "S" cape.

  2. Whether Henry Cavill gets the trunks or not, I'll be happy if Tyler Hoechlin gets them.

    Whether comics, TV, or movies, though, the thing the designers need to keep in mind is that Superman's costume -- including the trunks -- was based on that of a circus acrobat. What are acrobats and athletes wearing these days? Use that as a starting point.

    And, Ross, today's cover is pretty cool. It's a bit ironic, given your remarks, that our angle of Superman is one where we can't easily tell whether he has the trunks or not (close inspection says no). Still, I think the story would be an interesting one -- especially if Nova gets called away from Earth for some reason.

  3. Action #1000, (out about March 20th) will see the return of the shorts and the curl. So no more tears, fanboy.

  4. I agree. The Curt Swan look should _never_ have been abandoned.

  5. P.S. @ P.S.---in that regard, "fanboy" is a designation I am shamelessly proud to bear!

  6. Great cover. I'm a big fan of the original (A MAN CALLED) NOVA series. I'll admit I haven't been too thrilled with more recent renditions the character since the writers continue to cast him as a very young kid.
    It would be great to see this classic version team-up with BOOSTER GOLD who sports a similar costume.

  7. If Rich Rider ever did become the new Marvel of Metropolis, would that make him...Super Nova?

  8. And if he met Jack Ryder, that would be creepy.

  9. Apparently there was an 'imaginary story' back in the Silver Age in which Superman lost his powers but continued fighting crime -- in a new costume --
    under the name of Nova...

  10. ...Simreeve was correct. The story was "The has-been Superman" from World's Finest #178. A depwered Superman creates a new hero identity "The Nova"...
    ...another fun mash-up cover, Ross...

  11. Further proof that this blog has the most knowledgeable visitors on the net!

  12. Then there's Matthew Ryder, aka Waverider...
