Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Eternity and The Justice Society of America

There have been lots of big big moves from DC lately, with the return of properties like Neil Gaiman's Sandman, Alan Moore's Watchmen characters and the heroes from his ABC Comics line... but still no sign of the classic JSA.  Their reintegration into the DCU has been teased for a while, but I am still waiting for the announcement of a new series with a top-notch creative team.


  1. Please, please tell me this is the first part of several covers (or at least 2). There are so many great possibilities.

    Again, your cover makes my imagination whirl. And I am sad I will never read this story. Fine job... as always.

  2. An amazing pairing as usual, Ross. I would have never thought of Eternity confronting Fate, but now that I've seen this, it makes me think why I'd never considered it before!

    Anyway, a suggestion: given that February is Black History Month, have you considered doing a cover featuring only Afro-American superheroes like Black Lightning, Power Man, John Stewart, or Black Panther? I think it would be very fitting and timely, given the fact that Black Lightning is currently airing on the CW and Black Panther opens within 2 weeks...

    - RC

  3. Have you not noticed Johnny Thunder in Doomsday Clock?

  4. I trade wait so I am not up on the latest issues.

  5. Great rendering! It reminds me of the big splash page, in JLA v.1/#100, where Dr. Fate, Zatanna, and the Bahdnisian Thunderbolt summoned the cosmic entity Oracle to Silver Age Earth-2.

  6. Regarding the second Anon's Black History Month suggestion: I think a pairing of Black Lightning and Black Panther would more than suffice. I'm seeing only good things about both live-action properties.

    And, of course, Valentine's Day is coming up, and with it a good opening for Cap/WW and/or the Power Couple!

    And let's not forget Presidents' Day, a good day for something like Lex Luthor and Foxbat. (There's a Foxbat for President book with an election-ad styled poster; Luthor could stand in front of it, saying something to the effect of, "See? There are worse choices than me!"

  7. Stay tuned for Thursday, RC and Bob...

  8. Ross, is this a 3-way (Eternity, Fate, JSA) mashup? Wasn't Fate out of the JSA by the time Dr. Midnight was in?

  9. Not on Earth-STF! But, yeah I did get Fate from a separate image.

  10. In other words, you made your own Fate. ;-)

  11. Very cool pairing Ross. I suspect an in-story explanation for Eternity showing up would be to either a time/universe-lost JSA back home or to be temporarily brought to the MU while this whole silly Watchmen cash grab sorts itself out.

    You'd think, since DC and Marvel both like to reveal certain events ahead of time that the eminent return of the JSA would've already been mentioned. We know its coming but still no definite word. Do they really NOT have a really solid creative on tap already, or are they waiting around the end of this Doomsday Clock story to spill the beans? I wouldn't be against a Johns/Frank JSA ongoing, even if that creative team would probably be temporary at best. Seems like the team of Doc Shaner and Ivan Reis or Chris Sprouse would be a good fit, especially Shaner since he actually respect those types of characters.

  12. Ross: Johnny was in the DC REBIRTH one-shot, too. The one thing revealed is that he is in a home for the aged, no one believes his stories, and he forgot where the Thunderbolt went. Its implied that he left him somewhere. That's all the news plus one appearance in DOOMSDAY CLOCK.

    PS It is very good, as much more of it is a WATCHMEN sequel than a DC book. I thought every other page would be Batman or Superman.

  13. Cool as usual. I wish I could hear the stories behind the pairings you do. I know Eternity showing up must be blowing the JSA's collective minds. I can't help but think there MUST be something going on in the old hamster cage.
    Also, I know you don't do requests per se but I'd like to put the following bugs I'm your ears: the X-Files visiting Gravity Falls and Peter Pan joining the Avengers (It's doable!). Thanks for just hearing me out.
    Keep up the great work!

  14. Although not many watch it, I guess, the Justice Society of America DID appear on "DC's Legends of Tomorrow." If memory serves, it was Hourman, Dr. Mid-Nite, Obsidian, Commander Steel, Stargirl, and Vixen... not exactly the heart and soul of the JSA, granted.

    Just the presence of eight members of the JSA on the cover puts it firmly into the STF universe... and GOOD for you, Ross! It's a great cover!

  15. Quite so, ELS; that is the correct lineup, and the group was featured as a secondary plot element in Season 2 of DCLOT. I do hope that they can find other ways of using the team, though, as well as more of the above-depicted heroes.

  16. Wonderful!
    Will a follow-up to this include Kid Eternity, too?

    I'd like to see Eternity meet DC's Kismet again, because their interaction during JLA/Avengers was intriguing: Maybe even on a 'romance' comic cover?


    Re the prospective return of the JSA: There's also been Carter and Kendra's appearances in the 'Metal. Dark Nights' storyline... although that might not fit well with Johnny Thunder apparently having [as seen in Rebirth] "hidden" the main team from persecution as long ago as the McCarthyite investigations...

  17. I've been looking forward to "Doomsday Clock." But, thus far, no comic book shop in my neck of the woods has even ordered the first issue!

  18. I used to watch DCLOT mostly on replay on CW site and stopped after that absolutely TERRIBLE JSA episode. JSA is my favorite team and what DC did at times to the team as bad enough but that episode ruined it for me. The Smallville treatment was better.

  19. I'll go you one better, Glenn. The "Flash" episode that served as the pilot for Season 1 of DCLOT was absolutely terrible! His arrival in Central City being nothing more than a rip-off of the Dumas Order's arrival in GOTHAM (on the Fox Network).
