Sunday, January 21, 2018

Wonder Woman and Groo The Wanderer

I'd love to see Groo The Wanderer in animation some day.  I remember on TV's Bloopers and Practical Jokes back in the 80's, there would be quick little animated bits featuring the artwork of Sergio Aragones  when the program was coming in and out of commercials.  His style looked perfect in motion, and it would be great to see his signature barbaric creation in cartoon form as well.


  1. Well, Wonder Woman met Conan of Cimmeria who met Groo...

  2. Groo also met Cerebus, I think. And Cerebus once met the TMNT, who've twice met Batman who frequently meets WW! So, maybe Ross can eliminate all those middlemen and just havw WW meet Cerebus, directly.

    Failing that, I'd settle for Spidey meeting the Phantom Stranger.

  3. P.S.---I am, of course, referring to Cerebus the Aardvark! Not his three-headed canine namesake from Greco-Roman mythology.

  4. The three-headed dog is Cerberus... the aardvark barbarian is Cerebus.

    The cover makes me think of that Dave Chappelle bit from his stand up.
    Wonder Woman catches a criminal with her lasso. Crook says, "Damn you got some big breasts! I mean, I wasn't going to say anything but this lasso has squeezed the truth right out of me!"

  5. The character logos are close to correct for the cover style/price of the 1970s, but Rufferto wasn't around then. Based on that, a fantasy cover fail I'm afraid to say.

  6. @Mike Shirley: Cerebus/Cereberus; tomato/potato.

  7. Absolutely fantastic. I love that you’re willing to mix up the art styles you feature on here, Ross!

  8. Is anyone out there familiar with the game "Seven Degrees of Snapper Carr"?

    Cary Comic, Cerebus definitely met the TMNT. As far as I know Cerebus and Groo only met on a cover of Amazing Heroes magazine, but I'd say that counts. Cerebus has also met The Spirit, Spawn and Flaming Carrot by the way.

    Anonymous, it'as not Cerebus/Cereberus, it's Cerebus/Cerberus.

    And, Ross, I've said it before, but it needs to be said again: Thank God that we are all exposed to your particular brand of mad genius!

  9. Nice cover. And next up on Cartoon Corner, Thor and Captain Caveman in The Superhero Club.

  10. Or Lockjaw of the Inhumans versus...Cerebus of Hades!

  11. Wonder Woman is drawn Sergio Aragones style!

  12. I can vaguely remember when she was drawn Jerry Lewis-style!*

    *In a barber shop back-issue.

  13. @Cary: Oh, yeah! I remember that one.

    JERRY LEWIS #117 (copyright 1970)...which, back then, was still only 15 cents.

  14. Last anon, it's actually by him, from "Sergio Aragonés Destroys DC

  15. It's by him, but not from that mini. Just a one off illustration I think.

  16. @my namesake: this one, perhaps. But, the one I mentioned was drawn by Bob Oksner (for a story by Alan Reife).

  17. Aragones drew Wonder Woman in Plop! didn't he?
