Thursday, January 18, 2018

Sub-Mariner Vs. Popeye

I'm wondering where The Sub-Mariner will first show up now that Marvel has the rights to use him in the movies.  Aquaman will beat him to the punch ans far as a solo underwater hero film is concerned so maybe they will go in another direction and he will show up alongside the Fantastic Four.  The whole Reed/Sue/Namor love triangle angle would be perfect for some onscreen drama to add to the action scenes.  Of course that means the need to introduce the FF first!


  1. This is a comic I'd buy in a heartbeat.

    My understanding is that Fox never had the Namor rights. I think, once upon a time, Universal had those rights, but they lost them a while ago. The current situation is, by all accounts, complicated. So I wouldn't hold my breath.

  2. Ah, Namor's black & gold outfit. I much prefer that one over his green briefs.

    I have or rather had the comic in which Reed first created it to save Namor's life. I don't remember all the details anymore but the Sub-Mariner was suffering from some ailment and it kept a thin layer of water next to his skin.

  3. At the rate Marvel Films is going, the general public is more likely to see a feature-film adaptation of THE MAN FROM ATLANTIS before either Aquaman or the Submariner get solo outings!

    On a lighter note? I would definitely shell out 60 cents for a copy of this issue. Especially because a slug-fest between these two would be priceless!

    P.S.---I am not a row boat.

  4. I would love this if only for the thought of Bluto working with Warlord Krang. And seeing Namor eating his spinach, and the music...
    "I'm Namor, Imperius Rex!
    I'm Namor, Imperius Rex!
    I'm strong as can be, when I'm in the sea,
    I'm Namor, Imperius Rex!"

    RE: The Fantastic Four. It might be awkward - and it's not something I personally would be interested in (but I'm not the viewing public) - what if the Reed-Sue-Namor triangle were between Reed and Namor? Yeah, it's crazy... but it IS the 21st century...

  5. Never been much of a Namor fan, but I so wish this comic existed.

  6. I could see a sub-plot or throwaway scene in the next Dr. Strange movie where Doc needs Namor and Hulk for a problem (Serpent Crown?). Not a big part, especially with the Defenders name now down in the streets of Hell's Kitchen, but still a nod to Doc's team.

  7. i yam what yam and dat's all dat' i

  8. I liked Namor until he became "first mutant". I really did not see him fitting in with the Mutant crowd.

  9. @Anonymous (two levels above): "i yam what i yam..."

    I can just see Namor mistakenly assuming that to mean Popeye's strength comes from sweet potatoes. LOL!

  10. The MAN FROM ATLANTIS comic book had some solid writing and great artwork. A lot better than the TV show it was based of in my opinion.

  11. Popeye's Birthday!

    1. Yesterday would have been Popeye's birthday. He debuted Jan 17, 1929.

  12. This is a great cover, Ross, and this is coming from a guy who visited 4 different Popeye statues one summer....

  13. Yeah, I wask a day late wid Popeye's boithday. It's disgustipatin'.

  14. @Wolfhammer: Hey! even the late, great, and multi-talented Michael Landon had to start out as a teenage werewolf.

  15. @Anonymous (two levels above): Ah-gagagagagagagagagagagaga!

  16. How about Popeye vs. "popeye" Doyle?LOL

  17. @Anonymous #1: "I'm not a row boat."

    LOL! I just got it.

  18. that's all i can stands i can stands no

  19. wonder if namor knows the sea hag????

  20. @Anon (just above): as in "Biblically?"
