Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Captain Marvel and Adam Strange in: "Subterranean Strike Force!"

I have featured these two space-faring heroes together before - Mar-Vell mourned Adam's "death" in STF #1867, and they first crossed paths in STF #1386... It was correctly pointed out to me that it would be cool to see them side by side with Mar-Vell's original costume.  I have to say, I think that Adam Strange's helmet fin looks like it would be the more aerodynamic one!


  1. Everything Infantino drew in his prime was more aerodynamic than just about anyone else.

  2. I always liked that head fin, too. It made me think of him as sort of the Silver Age Earth-1 counterpart of the Golden Age Starman!

  3. How about a head-fins team? Adam Strange, Mar-Vell, the Rocketeer . . . are there others? Savage Dragon, maybe?

  4. My first Marvel, Captain Marvel comic was the one with the silver hair but he already had the red and gold costume by that point. Never had any with the original green and white outfit.

  5. I think it would be interesting to see Adam drop in on one of the DC TV shows -- probably Supergirl, though the Legends or the Flash would probably also work.

    It also occurs to me that, in this blog, Adam has yet to meet his cousin Stephen.

  6. Bob - They have met in issue #370, and they are brothers, not cousins.

    Adam Strange is slated to appear on Syfy's Krypton show.

  7. Thanks for the info on both counts, Ross -- though I could swear that the cover for #370 didn't show up when I browsed through the Adam Strange tag! (Maybe it's time for a reunion; with one brother dedicated to science and the other to magic, they'd make a pretty awesome recurring duo!)

  8. I have plans for the Strange Brothers to return, Bob.

  9. @Ross: will they be facing blacksheep brother, Prof. Hugo?
