Monday, January 1, 2018

Nightwing Vs. Taskmaster

Taskmaster is a character that I would love to see show up in a Marvel movie.  His ability to mimic the skills that he sees makes him a viable opponent for many different heroes, so there's plenty of opportunity to use him.  The only tricky part is the costume.  I don't like it when the movie versions veer too far away from the suits we see on the comics page, but I have to admit his looks like it might be pretty tough to translate to live action. 

If you are wondering when Taskmaster learned to fight like Batman, it happened way back in my B&B Lost Issue days, an early MS Paint effort from 2010...


  1. Skeletor Mr bones taskmaster all vs each other

  2. Taskmaster vs. Dr. Destiny Harry!

  3. Don't forget the Atomic Skull, Ghost Rider, and Jack Skellington!

  4. Nightwing IMO would be a harder fight for Taskmaster than Batman. The acrobatic stuff he copies from Nightwing is very tuned for his form and frankly Taskmaster is too chunky to fully duplicate them.

  5. ...and The Phantom, to continue the skull motif, as well as The Punisher...

  6. "Imitation Is The Sincerest Form Of Battery."

    LOVE that title!!!

    Happy New Year, Ross. :-)

  7. I loved the punny title. Happy New Year, Ross! :-)

  8. It a weird outfit, it doesn't help that I don't even know if that is a masked or his face.

  9. DAT Pun tho......ha ha. Damn I'd love to see this fight go down too. I mean if Tasky can copy Daredevil and Iron Fist's moves, then Nightwing shouldn't be THAT hard to do. Still, I don't see Dick taking an "L" in the end.

  10. Forgot to wish you a very merry and Happy New Year Ross. Keep it up man....
