Friday, January 12, 2018

Justice League Vs. Squadron Supreme (Plus 4 More tales!)

What the...?  Didn't I just post STF #2000 the other day?  Time is certainly flying by! It seems like not that long ago that I was sitting on my bedroom floor reading 100-Page Giants and feeling like I had a whole lifetime ahead of me.  Today is my 49th birthday, and I am definitely aware of my age and mortality - but I'm still glad I have this blog and a love for comics and superheroes to help keep me feeling young!

This is the fourth meeting between The League and The Squadron.  The were last seen together in a two-parter that began in STF #1425 and concluded in STF #1426....  and they first met way back in STF #205...


  1. The covers of 80 Page Giants kind of remind me of the season of the Super Friends that had multiple short segments that were teased at the beginning of the show. They generally had one segment that teamed one of the main Super Friends (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman) with a guest star like Green Lantern, Hawkman, Samurai, Black Vulcan, etc. Good times!

    1. I meant 100 Page Spectaculars.

    2. To the publisher a Happy Birthday !

      I thought this was an excellent cover and reminded me of why I loved comics so much back in the 1960's, 70's and 80's !

      I haven't bought any in the past several years because frankly they aren't that good !

      I'd buy this and many others of your comics however.

      Kudos !

  2. Happy Birthday! I’m 50 now and can definitely relate to your sentiments.

  3. Happy birthday, and thanks for all your great work! Seeing the new STF is always one of the bright spots in my day.

  4. Happy birthday! Traditional that is, don't know about observed.

    I've got you by a couple of years but I have similar memories. Your Lost Issues really brings those memories back to the surface.

    I was a fan of DC's "Dollar" comics back in the 70's. "68 pages. No Ads From Cover To Cover!" They really did have more bang for your buck.

    I was introduced to comics at an early age by my brothers, who were 11-15 years older than me and had a stack of early silver age comics that I pretty much learned to read on.

  5. Wonderful!

    For the Cap/Cat team-up, might I speculate that their opponents include the D-list [to be charitable...] Bat-villain 'Ratcatcher'?

    (BTW, as people here are discussing age, my next birthday will be my 58th...)

    ...and Special Blogsday for your wonderful covers...
    i love both the JLA and the Squadron Supreme. Way cool....

  7. First off? Happy--first annual--49th Birthday (lol)!

    Secondly? I recognize those body poses as being from the cover of the now-classic Teen Titans issue wherein they first met Lilith Clay and Loren Jupiter. Nicely subtle homage!

    Last, but not least? Not a bad way to round off the trilogy begun with STF# 1425.

    Here's hoping #2200 sees the Fantastic Four vs. the Fatal Five. ;-)

  8. P.S. (@Simreeve): Vermin would be more appropriate. Perhaps in partnership with the Rat-Catcher!

  9. Happy Birthday! Hope it's a great one. Keep up the great work.
    It's nice to know there are others that share a love of random (and not so random) crossovers!

  10. Happy birthday. Love your work. You bring smiles to the faces of people you will never meet and that, as someone once said, ain't all bad.

  11. Yeah, I know about birthdays; I'm 56 1/2. I'd kind of hoped that the Wolverine/Ambush Bug team-up would have happened on my next birthday (May 11), but I'm not complaining. (I still have hope for Iron Beetle and Green Devil, though! "Where are Tony Stark and Hal Jordan?")

    This is, of course, a great cover, and one of your best Super Spectaculars yet. The main story of JLA/SS would be a hoot to read, I think, especially as similar characters face off against each other. And of course the Power Girl/Deadpool thing is more or less inevitable. I also see a good potential ecological message in the Iceman/Ice team-up. Overall I think this would be a really fun issue to read.

  12. @ Alena: Those Dollar Comics were the best - they were spinner rack gold!

  13. Happy birthday—and keep up the good work! May da Schwartz be wit’ you!

  14. ahhhh don't ya' just love dc's books from the 70' i sure did(still do!!!!!!)

  15. Thanks for the Birthday greetings, gang!

  16. The Power Girl cameo was funny; probably DC comics was desperate enough to market sex; the people who are behind Pokemon games didn't need to sink that low, especially in designing Pokemon species.

  17. You're only as old as the topics you choose to blog about! Happy birthday, Ross!

  18. Happy Birthday! I turned 56 recently, sometimes I think I'm 25 other times I feel old! These covers are a daily treat, and the anniversary ones especially! The Dollar Comics were quite a deal, and some of the 100 page giants were great for their inclusion of Golden Age stories. While most of the Marvel giants I read were new stories, their reprint giants were also a fun read. Thanks for bringing back the fun in comics!

  19. Happy Birthday, Ross! May the Ascended Madoka bless you! ^_^

    As for me, I'll turn 55 in May.

    Judging from that look on PG's frace, Deadpool's mutant healing factor may get a workout soon. ;)

    JLA vs. Squadron gives me an idea; how about the Avengers (or the X-Men) vs. the Extremists (from Justice League Europe), who were homages to (or parodies of) Marvel villains?

    For anyone who doesn't remember the Extremists, they were Lord Havok (Doc Doom), Gorgon (Doc Ock), Dr. Diehard (Magneto), Tracer (Sabertooth) and Dreamslayer (Dormammu).

  20. Thanks again for the kind comments, you all made my day today!

  21. Sappy Mirthday! (So far I'm the senior in the comments section, I'll be 60 next Christmas.)
    Great cover and I too have a great fondness for the Spectacular Sized comics, even more so for YOUR renditions!

  22. "Ice Ice Maybe!" Love that!

    Happy Birthday! I may have the edge here in the age department. I just hit sixty-one last November.

  23. OK, since this became a race, I guess I'll have admit to be the only actual senior citizen (by Medicare rules) here a 65 1/2.

  24. Happy Birthday Ross!! Three birthday questions: 1) Do you remember the first comic you ever brought? What was it? 2) Where did you usually by your comics? (name of store, town) 3) Do you remember the first comic book specialty shop you went to? name of shop, city)?

  25. When I was a kid I would ride my bike to the town store that had comics in its magazine section, I can't remember the first one I bought though... probably a Justice League of America or Brave and the Bold. I don't buy comics regularly these days, they got too expensive. I usually wait for sales on Comixology and purchase digital copies.

  26. Wishing you a belated, but still, happy birthday Ross. Hope this year's birthday treated you well. Happy 2100th post as well. You just seem to get better with time with these sweet, sweet covers.

  27. The Justice League would beat the crap out of This Cheap Knockoff Justice League that marvel made

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. @Anonymous231: Animal rights activists like Betty White would probably claim that Pokemon's producers _had_ sunk lower. By glorifying competitive animal fights!
