Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Mars Attacks Star Wars!

The full trailer for Star Wars: the Last Jedi has me looking forward to the next chapter in the saga.  My main complaints about the last installment were a few to many parallels to A New Hope and the lack of Luke Skywalker, both of which look to be addressed this time around.  It will be interesting to see where director Rian Johnson takes the characters going forward.


  1. The Force Awakens seemed more like The Empire Strikes Back...

  2. I agree. The tributes to A New Hope were far too numerous.

  3. Good one Ross, now if you could do Mars attacks J'onn J'onzz or Marvin the Martian.....

  4. This is the kind of battle that when you come across it, you wait and ambush the winner.

  5. @iIsaac: click the link under the cover, both and more were with Mars Attacks though I would enjoy a Punisher versus MA (Hint, hint).

  6. Me? I had no complaints with Episode 8. A clear case of wisely not fixing what was never broken to begin with (unlike, most unfortunately, the 1997 re-release of the original trilogy).

  7. "Ak-ak-ak-AK-AK-ak-ak-ak-ak!"

    [<Martian: "I've got the whole world IN MY HANDS!"]

  8. @Carycomic: I used to sing that same pun in grammar school! Every time I picked up the classroom globe.

  9. Love it! Too bad Star Wars seems pretty much off limits for any sort of crossover comics...

  10. @Linneman: Well, that might have been true when Dark Horse still had the licensing rights from Lucasfilm. But, now that the latter is owned by Marvel/Disney, an occasional intercompany crossover with DC or IDW might be feasible.

    Like, say, Nekron making a Black Lantern out of Darth Andeddu.*

    *Insert "Imperial Death March" here.

  11. @ Marc Ohare - Fair enough, now if Mars could attack John Carter or ERB's Pellucidar....

  12. I have a niece that works for Disney. Being the crossover fanatic that I am I asked her about any possible crossover between Disney/Star Wars/Marvel. She assured me that current Disney policy is to keep their various properties strictly separate from one another. Personally I think that a Jedi knight Mickey Mouse would be a natural. Hopefully Disney will change this policy in the future.

  13. This cover will do me just fine until Mars Attacks the Planet of the Apes.

    Jack - When Disney bought up Marvel, you may recall that many artists came out with their own mashups between Marvel and classic Disney characters. My favorite was Goofy dressed up as Galactus.

  14. How about "Mars Attacks...The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen!" ?

    Maybe via HGW's time machine.

  15. @BG: Marvel could also use the plot gimmick of Franklin Richards wanting to meet Hercules of Earth-616 via his dream-state astral projection. But, someone (like, say, Nightmare) fouls him up by having him meet the blond Disney version, instead!
