Saturday, November 25, 2017

Hercules and Hercules

With Thor: Ragnarok being pretty much a straight up comedy, I think that Marvel's Hercules would have fit right in to the proceedings. I guess with Thor and  The Hulk, they didn't want another muscly male character, so Valkyrie was used instead.  Still, if the franchise goes on and Taika Waititi continues directing, I'd love to see what he could do with The Prince of Power.

This double Hercules tale comes about as the result of a request by STF Patron Travis Johnson, among others.  Thanks, Travis!


  1. Sequwl idea...

    Hercules and Hercules vs Hercules (from Wonder Woman)

  2. I always liked the Bob Layton version of the Prince of Power with a mace.

  3. Or these two Hercs meet the Disney version--as rivals for the hand of Wonder Woman--on the original Dating Game.

  4. ...the comic book versions of Hercules from Marvel, DC's "... Unbound", from Savage Dragon, the Charlton version, from Graphic Universe comics, and Quality's from "Hit Comics"...
    ...the other TV one from "Young Hercules" Ryan Gosling...
    ...the TV cartoon versions from The Mighty Hercules (1963-1966) and from
    1977's Space Sentinels and from the same company Freedom Force...
    ...and the cinema versions Arnold "Strong" Schwarzenegger from "Hercules in New York", and Gordon Scott, and Alan Steel and Steve Reeves and Lou Ferrigno and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson...

  5. To Cary Comic: How about adding the Mighty Hercules,too (the one from the 1960s cartoon shorts).

  6. Believe it or not I've already been thinking about this one...
    1) Kevin Sorbo...
    2) from Young Hercules Ryan Gosling...
    3) Disney's animated movie version...
    4) and from other cinema versions Alan Steel, 5) Gordon Scott, 6) Steve Reeves 7) Lou Ferrigno, 8) Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson & 9) Arnold "Strong" Schwarzenegger from "Hercules in New York"...
    10) TV cartoon versions from 1963-1966 The Mighty Hercules and 11) 1977s The Space Sentinels and 12) The Freedom Force from the same company...
    ...and comic book versions from
    13) Marvel, 14) DC's "Hercules Unbound" 15) Charlton, 16) Graphic Universe's comic book, 17) Savage Dragon, and Quality's "Hit Comics"... name a few more.
    This is another winner of a cover, Ross.

  7. I loved the medieval setting of Hercules and Xena, and I also liked it when they came together. However, the feel of the stories seemed almost like the zaniness of Batman as played by Adam West. I expected to see THWACK!!! come across whenever Hercules or Xena hit someone. I make no claim that there is anything wrong with that, but it is just not usually my cup of tea.

    I love this cover, and I thank Mr. Johnson for his suggestion. I confess that I had not thought of it myself, or I might have suggested it. Again, Ross, as always, I am always happy each day to see what cover you have created. You have been blessed with a talent for this. I truly wish that these stories could be written. The publications holding the rights to these characters should be scrambling to write these.

  8. Thank you, jack el and Mickey!

  9. Like the cover for today, especially the Earl Norem Hercules cover... Looks a lot like Richard Corben's work.

  10. Does anybody else remember Gray Morrow's "Edge of Chaos," in which a 20th century man named Eric Cleese traveled back in time and became Heracles?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I vaguely remember Edge of Chaos. IIRC, it was published by PC (Pacific Comics) in the early 1980s.

    There was also a story by Randall Garrett in Isaac Asimov's SF magazine in the late 1970s where a competition pistol shooter was transported to ancient Scandinavia, and he used his handgun to help the Vikings in a fight. When he returned to the present time, he realized that the myths about Thor were based on him.

    In Avengers #10, the villain Immortus conjured up Hercules, Paul Bunyan, Goliath (the Biblical giant), and Merlin the Magician to fight the heroes. They may have been illusions, though, because Hercules was different from the version that later became an Avenger, and Merlin was different from the villain in a Thor solo story in Journey Into Mystery.

    I think Superman encountered Hercules and Samson a couple of times each in time travel stories in the late 1950s or early 1960s.

  13. "Two of them, Mr. Keeper? I didn't know that could happen. Better send them back to...Eternity"

  14. @Anonymous #1, Bob Buethe, and Carycomic: how about the these two Hercs meeting the same one who met the Three Stooges (in one of their mid-1950's feature films)?

    ---Another Ymous

  15. How about Xena and Conan the Barbarian (the version in ancient-style armor). They look kinda alike if you ignore the genders.

  16. I think Dynamite Entertainment is already doing such a crossover.

  17. @Carycomic: Actually, that's WW and Conan (a DC/Dark Horse co-production)

  18. @TC: Immortus' "recruits" were Dire Wraiths from Silver Age Limbo. But, with IDW having the licensing rights to Rom, nowadays, I'm guessing Marvel would have to ret-con them into actually being Space Phantoms!
