Friday, September 15, 2017

Justice League of America and The Silver Surfer in: "Countdown to Supernova!"

The Satellite-era Justice League line up is still my favorite, and not just because that's the group I grew up reading about.  It was packed with powerhouses and members that had made an impact in comics on their own before joining the team.  These days, it seems anyone can become a Leaguer or Avenger, but it was still a big deal back then.  I do wish that founding member Martian Manhunter had played more of a role during this time, but other than that, I loved the roster..

The Silver Surfer first crossed paths with the JLA in STF #502...


  1. Cool cover!
    I really think J'onn is a test of a good writer. As a shapeshifter, he can be anyone. He has invisibility and intangibility. Super-strength. He's a mind-reader. I believe most writer's feel he is a one-person League. One alien too many. With Kal and Hal, what's J'onn's purpose. I like how well he works with Bruce.

  2. I was just looking back at Avengers covers and came across issue 200. It had Vision, Thor, Jocasta, Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Beast, Yellowjacket, Ms. Marvel, Hawkeye, Wonderman, Captain America, and Wasp. I love this lineup, but I would add Black Panther and Falcon to it to give what I believe to be the coolest lineup of the Avengers.

    Similarly, I love the lineup that you have for the JLA here. Of course, I would also add J'onn to the mix, but I would also want to see Batman.

    As I grew up reading comics, my two favorites were the Avengers and the JLA. During those days there was sort of an elitism about them in that, as you say, Ross, membership in either group was a big deal back then. Now anyone can be in the groups. The "anyone invited" idea for me was more for the Defenders back then. Moreover, it was these lineups of the Avengers/JLA that I had always hoped for from the day that I first read the second Superman/Spiderman cross over. When talk first emerged of a JLA/Avengers crossover, I was delighted. I think it took 10-20 years to finally come, and by then the lineups had shifted. Still I loved the mini-series that they did and how they sought to have an appearance of everyone who had ever been a member of the teams. I wish these companies would crossover just a little bit more often. I think it's time for another one soon.

  3. At first glance, one would be led to think that the title referred to Galactus deciding to circumvent his vow to Reed Richards by going directly after our Sun. Then, I think about a certain alter-ego Superman and Booster Gold once used (on various different occasions). And how it reminds me, in turn, of a certain Xandarian military unit Richard Rider once belonged to (by proxy).

    In short: a certain old question can now be asked in a new way.

    "Who is Supernova, now? And why has he become Galactus' latest herald?"

  4. OK! Technically, that was _two_ questions.

  5. Hopefully, it won't be as bad as Countdown to Final Crisis.

  6. @mariic2: Which was (with increasing obviousness) badly misnamed. As far as "just anybody joining?" I, for one, can tolerate Spidey being a Reserve Avenger.

    @Ross: Nineteen issues left and counting. :-D


  7. Btw: has the Silver Surfer ever taken on the Crime Syndicate?

  8. Not according to the links, he hasn't.

  9. The Sun-eater as Galactus' new herald? Holy Crap!

    That would really be worth the cover price.

  10. I think the Sun Eater as a herald would be a conflict of interest.

    With the JL we now have two teams again - the main team and Batman's team; same as there was in 52 continuity. I liked it better when Batman stepped away from league to form Outsiders. We have NOT seen the main team deal with Batman's league but they must know about it.

  11. @Glenn: I don't see how. Galactus could use it to absorb solar energy that he would later transfer to himself!

    As for not knowing about Batman's league? As of METAL #2, that is no longer the case.

  12. I'd start buying new comics again with images like this.

    1. No kidding. Imaginative stories and compelling artwork are sadly absent.

  13. I have thought for a few years now that if Amalgam Comics are ever brought back, simply change Galactus's diet from planets to stars and you'd have "Galactus the Sun-Eater".

    However, Galactus was amalgamated with Brainiac in the second crop of Amalgam comics, so my concept would need a new version of the Amalgam Universe (Amalgaverse?).

  14. @Ross & KC: split the difference. Make the villain of STF #1981 a resurgent version of Starbreaker the Cosmic Vampire!

  15. And on top of everything else? Google apparently refused to do a doodle in honor of King...because they were too busy planning their 19th anniversary doodle for themselves.
