Friday, September 29, 2017

Ghost Rider and The Teen Titans in: "The Ghoul Inside Grayson!"

One thing that Marvel did well that set them apart from DC was the way they had heroic characters that looked like monsters.  Ghost Rider, The Thing, The Hulk, and others gave readers heroes to root for that looked as cool as some villains and it was a move that definitely worked.  DC eventually added in characters like The Demon and Swamp Thing, but for a long time their line-up was a pretty attractive bunch - even the Martian Manhunter looked like a handsome green bald guy for most of the Silver Age.

Ghost Rider first joined the Teen Titans back in STF #828, and his feud with Robin intensified in  STF #1689...

Only five issues to go until the STF 2000th Issue 100-Page Spectacular!


  1. Maybe that's why I always thought Metamorpho seemed more like a Marvel character than a DC character....

  2. I love the continuity you've established. It would be easy and simple just to put together random team-ups, but you've established a thread through each story!

  3. Agreed, Sonofjack.

    Thanks Dave, the covers don't always work together but when they do it's fun.

  4. Not so much a ghoul, as a Dire Wraith, I think.

  5. @Sonofjack: Another reason might be that Rex Mason had the same speech patterns as Stan Lee. "Blue blazes, you merely magnificent Metamaniacs!"

  6. @my namesake: Or, the Anithesis controlling Deadman (controlling Robin)?

    Signed: Another Ymous

  7. Actually, the Martian Manhunter initially resembled the Golden Age Vision! It's only after Jonn helped found the Silver Age JLA that he got some white to his eyes.

  8. Suggestion:

    Ghost Rider meets KISS!
