Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Doctor Who and Judge Dredd

My first memories of Doctor Who are from when I was in grade school and would come home to watch episodes featuring Tom Baker on PBS.  I was at the perfect age where the low budget sets and cheesy special effects did not phase me.  I thought K-9 was cool and Leela was quite alluring.  I loved the Doctor's outfit and attitude and found the show to be the closest thing to a live action comic book that I could find.  I enjoy the new episodes and new Doctors, but nothing will compare with my first exposure to the mythos.


  1. I pity Anderson if she tries to read the Doctor's mind...

  2. Being that these are the two biggest British sci-fi icons, I'm surprised they haven't crossed over for real. I seem to remember someone trying to publish a crossover novel, but I could be wrong.

  3. Tom Baker and K-9 were my first introduction to the Doctor also, but I've got to admit I watched mostly for Leela. There definitely were not any other girls like her on US TV, or in my part of Ohio.

  4. yesssss!!!!! tom baker was my favorite doctor who too!!!!.....i liked leela

  5. It seems appropriate to me that it's the Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) who is finding mundane trouble in the middle of what's bound to be an explosive adventure. He seems the most likely (with Matt Smith's Eleventh close behind) to have that sort of situation.

    My earliest exposure to Doctor Who was with Jon Pertwee, the Third Doctor, though that was very brief and I didn't find it very interesting. Only with Terror of the Zygons with Tom Baker did I really decide to start watching, and at that didn't really find it until Tom's cycle started again with Robot. I was seeing Peter Davison as the Doctor before any return to Pertwee. Even so, Pertwee is "my Doctor," though I don't consider that any of the actors to date have done the character any injustice.

  6. In terms of the Sheena-esque outfit she wore, Leela was definitely easy on the eyes. But, in terms of matching the Doctor's own feistiness and adventurous spirit, no other Companion from the original series will ever hold a candle to the late, great Elizabeth Sladen as Sarah Jane Smith.

  7. just a question to anyone here are the tom baker episodes avaible on dvd and where can i find them?????

  8. This talk about the Doctor's female companions lead me to take a look online for Katy ('Jo Grant') Manning's infamous photo-shoot. I'd only seen two or three pictures from that before, in the sleeves notes for a CD of 'Who'-related music, and was now surprised to find how "frisky" they let the Dalek that was also involved get with its plunger...
    (Warning: NSFW)

  9. Let me guess: it was chanting "Ex-am-in-ate!" instead.

  10. Is it me or dosent dr who in that cover look like David tenant

  11. As in "...tenant, with a lease to purchase?"

  12. For the Anonymous looking for Tom Baker's episodes: Yes, nearly every serial from Jon Pertwee on forward is available. A few are out of print (so to speak) and thus harder to find, but they're out there. Check Amazon, or ask wherever you normally buy DVDs (such as Barnes & Noble).

    For "Unknown": Of course the Doctor there looks like David Tennant; as I already mentioned above, that's the Tenth Doctor, as portrayed on the screen by David. One look at the visible shoe would confirm that.

  13. I have a couple of friends who are serious Whovians, partial to the Pertwee/Baker episodes, but they like all of them. The Doctor (Tom Baker) came to my area (NY) when I was a college freshman, I tried watching it for a while, kinda liked it, but was ultimately turned off for the same reason I stopped reading Marvel Comics around 1970: all those blasted continued stories! Other than The Sontaran Experiment, every Doctor Who story was 4 to 6 weeks long! Thankfully, the revival does a lot less of that, and I started watching fairly regularly when Christopher Eccleston took the role... and I became a serious fan with Blink.

  14. When I started watching them, it was back-to-back episodes every Saturday night via WOR Channel 9 (Secaucus, New Jersey). Although, Tom Baker, only. Ten years later, however, it was nightly reruns on CPTV (PBS in Connecticut) including the Peter Davison, Colin Baker, and Sylvester McCoy eras!

    And I loved the serial story arcs.

  15. Cary Comic said...
    "Let me guess: it was chanting "Ex-am-in-ate!" instead."

    And it might even have been thinking "In-semi-nate!"...

