Sunday, September 17, 2017

Batman and Prime

I'm a big fan of Norm Breyfogle's artwork, especially his stints on Batman and Detective Comics.  He gave the Dark Knight and his rogues gallery a modern look while honoring the classic designs.  I liked his ability to depict action sequences, I could really get a sense of movement from his characters.  His design sense lent itself well to cover art, too - he really produced some beautiful work there.


  1. i loved prime.....wish dc could get the rights away from marvel....can you imagine a team up of the jla and ultraforce.....that would be great.

  2. I liked Prime at first but it got too odd and I stopped buying it. Never heard it was owned by Marvel.

  3. Prime; he was like the Hyperion of the Ultra-verse. Right?

  4. Yep; which is why I'd love to see Ross depict Prime vs. Black Adam! :-)

  5. Prime vs Superboy Prime

  6. Prime vs Composite (Superman)

  7. Glenn Host
    legend has it that Marvel bought Malibu for the coloring technology. They immediately shut down the comic company after crossing over Ultraforce and The Avengers. Thor had pulled a Captain Atom - crossing over dimensions - and The Black Knight was also somehow involved...

  8. It was Black Knight, Loki,and Juggernaut that went to the Ultraverse. Black Knight joined the Ultraforce, while Juggernaut joined the All New Exiles.

    And Marvel continued printing Ultraverse for about a year and a half after the Avengers team up. This was after the "Black September" event that rebooted the Ultraverse in Marvels image.
