Thursday, September 14, 2017

Aquaman and Black Bolt

It's too bad that the buzz on The Inhumans TV series has been universally poor. n I love the characters and think that they have great potential, but this whole project seems not to have had the same consideration put into the marvel Movies or Netflix shows.  I will still give it a shot, hopefully my lowered expectations will not be completely justified.

This pairing was a suggestion from Robert E. Jackson, a Patron of this blog.  Thanks, Robert!


  1. I like the pairing but I think Triton would have been more appropriate.

  2. Aquaman and Triton have met before on the blog, at least.

  3. I think "Attilan" was a name related to "Atlantis".

  4. Yeah, even Jeph Loeb said the first versions of that series were even worse than the ones that made to theaters.

    As for Aquaman and Black Bolt, all I can think of is War of Kings 2: Underwater Bugaloo. DO IT!!!!

  5. Love the effort you put into these! I have a suggestion: DC's Warlord and John Carter. 'When Warlords Collide!'.

  6. I think an "Inhumans" series could only succeed as a prime-time animated cartoon (similar to JUSTICE LEAGUE/JL UNLIMITED).

    As regards today's cover? Triton was probably kidnapped by the Kree and Blackbolt needs access to the JLA's teleporter.

  7. Lets be really honest right now. If it was 30 or 20 years ago (1987 or 1997) you know you'd be as grateful and happy as could possibly be if this Inhuman series came on the air!! My how spoiled we have all become!! Its a wonder to behold!!

  8. Anonymous you won the "no prize".

  9. What if we got Mera and Medusa the two badass redhead queens
