Monday, July 10, 2017

The Defenders and Death

Over the years, there has been talk of getting an adaptation of Neil Gaiman's groundbreaking Sandman series, or at least a film focusing on Death of The Endless.  So far, though,  nothing has materialized yet.  The sprawling Sandman epic is understandably very tough to translate into a movie (they really should try for a TV series to fit everything in), but I still feel that Death: The High Cost of Living could make for a very cool flick.


  1. Somewhere, in a better Multiverse, Death decided she didn't want all the extra work, so she killed the Anti-Monitor way back when, and the Crisis never happened...

  2. Oh wow Ross, I friggin' LOVE this cover! Damns it's so seamless and something I'd love to see really happen.

  3. The Sandman belongs on HBO. Each trade paperback volume could make an entire season.

  4. I half-hope that this will have a part two, wherein the Defenders of the Endless take on...Thanos!*

    *Can you think of another Marvel villain who might regard DC's Death Incarnate as too frivolous a female?

  5. Kid Charlemagne, that's the best and funniest comment I've seen in a long time!

  6. P.S.---is that Matt the Raven perched on DI's right shoulder?

  7. How about Popeye meets Aquaman and/or Namor? (Or the Sea Devils, or the anime hero Marine Boy, or the adventurers of the British sub Stingray...)

    I would suggest Popeye & Spongebob, but TV Guide already did that cover several years ago--although that wouldn't forbid you from doing it as well.

    Oh, and thanks, Anon! I had an idea years ago that since Morpheus wasn't freed until after the Crisis, maybe if he had been free earlier, he would have noted the activities of the Anti-Monitor, called a meeting of his siblings, and Death might decide to kill AM to save herself the huge workload (and/or because she's actually a nice soul and doesn't want all those innocent folks meeting her prematurely).

  8. Oh yeah, have I ever mentioned I really think killing the original DC Multiverse was a very bad idea? ;)

  9. Batman of Earth 13July 10, 2017 at 1:37 PM

    I agree with you Kid Charlemagne. Crisis on Infinite Earths was the biggest mistake DC ever made. How many subsequent reboots have they gone through trying to fix this original error?

  10. Too many...including the increasingly misnamed "Final" Crisis!

  11. I actually preferred Death: Time of Tour Life, but you are right, there is a lot of material there.

  12. Dale: Thank you!

    Kid C - I do have an idea for another Popeye appearance...

    Anon 1: Sure It's Matt, if you want him to be

    Anon 2 : Yeah Time of your Life was great too, either would work

  13. @Cc: honestly? Thanos vs. Death-DCU would be a terrific throw-down!

  14. @ Anon: I agree. But, as this is his website, Ross' agreement counts for more. ;-)

  15. There is a Thanos/Death cover on this blog, at least.

  16. Kid Charlemagne said...
    "How about Popeye meets Aquaman and/or Namor? (Or the Sea Devils, or the anime hero Marine Boy, or the adventurers of the British sub Stingray...)"

    Or just a Marine Boy & Stingray team-up? *(*starts whistling Marine Boy's theme tune)*

    Actually, thinking further, Marine Boy & Johnny Quest would probably work quite well together...

  17. @ Ross (re: 05/22/2013): I was thinking more of a lover's spat-gone-bad. With Thanos exclaiming something like: "You are naught but a poser!" But, I suppose you could save such a concept for a team-up between him and Lady Death of Dynamite/Chaos fame.
