Monday, July 24, 2017

Legion of Super-Heroes Vs. M.O.D.O.K.

With the popularity of franchises like Harry Potter, Divergent and The Hunger Games, I am surprised DC has not attempted a live action Legion of Superheroes movie or TV series.  Teenagers with amazing abilities and powers seem to be all the rage these days.  Perhaps they are too expensive for a TV budget and the movie side wants to perfect their Superman before presenting any spin offs.


  1. I guess the closest we got to the Legion was that Krypto and the Dog Star Patrol a few years back.

  2. I liked the 1 season LSH series but DC does not want to associate Superman with LSH anymore so I do not think this is reason for nothing brought to TV. Personally I think the cast is too large to do it right.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. What do you mean they don't want Superman to be associated with LSH? And actually, it was Superboy, not Superman since Clark was a teenager when he had adventures with the team in both the pre-Crisis and post-Infinite continuities.

  3. WBtv has teased the legion for a long time now. That one episode of Smallville that featured them, the two season cartoon on the CW, and all the hints on the two seasons of Supergirl. There was talk of a movie but that seems to be in production hell. The problem seems to be not how to do it, but how not to tie it to Superman. ?????! The Legion wouldn't exist without Superboy but he didn't exist thanks to the Crisis. What a mistake that was.

  4. Sad, but true, Isaac. :-(

  5. My daughter *loved* the Legion cartoon. I was dubious about the character designs, but enjoyed the show when I finally saw it. Unfortunately season 2 has never been released on DVD. It apparently took a darker tone, and ended on a cliffhanger for season 3, which was never produced.

  6. I loved the Legion. The big cast, the 30th century setting, the tryouts, the constant leadership elections, the whole ball of wax. But if you did a movie, you could start with the origin story which only involved three characters and wouldn't overwhelm people. Then you could end it with a big open call for new members and a Melissa Benoist cameo: "Hey, I hear you guys are a lot of fun to hang out with."

  7. As much as I love the Legion, I doubt we will ever see the whole team in live action. The things that make them unique (the large group and the 30th century) are cost prohibitive for TV. And for the mainstream (i.e. non Legion-obsessed) audiences, there's not that much about them that hasn't already been done (the new "Gifted" series includes a magnet-person, a electrical one, and a telepath, doesn't it?) or is too hokey (3 country rubes go to the big city and fall/luck into an adventure saving a rich guy and then sign up for his crazy dream of a team of vigilantes) to buy into.

    Of course, if they could find a way to ship Harley into the Legion, then maybe...

  8. This is one way for the LSH to get a head....



  10. Or a new chairman...

  11. Batman of Earth 13July 24, 2017 at 6:07 PM

    If they ever do make a Legion of Super-Heroes movie, I hope they don't leave out Bouncing Boy or Matter-Eater Lad.

  12. If they did, they'd probably get ret-conned as gay.

  13. @Cary Comic- Don't give Dan Didio(t) any ideas! :-)


    Considering how fouled up DC is these days, why could Supergirl not have been the inspiration for the Legion? For that matter, how do we know that there wasn't a Superboy in the Krypton DC universe?

    I think a little special effects and a lot of imagination could get the Legion to look really good. Maybe not Colossal Boy or flamey Sun Boy, but some just don't have to have very visible power effects (or easy ones, such as Lightning Lad.) Or so I think, being absolutely dull about how much special effects in TV Land cost... :)

  15. I've just read the first Batman'66/LSH crossover: Fun!


  16. Makes me wonder if Ross would be up to the challenge of depicting Batman '66 meets the Black Scorpion?*

    *And, no, I don't mean the title monster from that Willis O'Brien movie!

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  18. Ohhhhhhhhhhh! You mean the Joan Severance character. She who dressed like the bumper car woman from Cheap Trick's "Don't Fall In Love" video.

  19. Actually, that was The Tubes. But, otherwise, yeah.

  20. @ my namesake: And the music video's title was actually "She's A Beauty."

    Signed: Another Ymous.

  21. More Legion! Yayy!

    Did Modok travel through time, or is he just that long-lived?

    Hmmm...super-villain team-up of Modok and Egg Fu? Whichever hero(es) had to deal with them could call it "The Head Case!". ^_^

  22. How about Batman '66 chases Egghead into "The House on Haunted Hill?"

  23. @Anonymous - Let's cut out the middle man, Egghead vs. Vincent Price!
