Saturday, July 15, 2017

Kamandi and Agents of Atlas

I really enjoyed Agents of Atlas, in the Marvel Universe, but I haven't seen them used in years.  With the casting of Randall Park as Jimmy Woo in the upcoming Ant-Man and The Wasp, though, I have some hope that they will return.  Having Agent Woo in the mix opens the door for the rest of the Agents of Atlas to appear in the movies down the line - and there's no faster way for Marvel to raise your profile in the comics than to be portrayed on the big screen.


  1. Maybe Kamandi could meet Captain Carrot and the Zoo Crew.

  2. If AGENTS OF ATLAS is brought to the Silver Screen, I hope they don't use the Yellow Claw the same way they used Ben Kingsley's version of the Mandarin. That was such a disappointing plot twist in IRON MAN 3! Of course, I realize they can't make him like a clone of Christopher Lee's Fu Manchu, either. That would undeniably be too racist.

    Perhaps some half-way decent team of screenwriters can depict him as an Asiatic anglophile. Similar to Pierce Brosnan's antagonist in DIE ANOTHER DAY.

  3. Lovely!

    I remember enjoying that Marvel team's first appearance, as 'The Avengers' [of the 1950s] in an issue of 'What If?'


  4. Never would've thought of pairing these two together, but you make it work in your own scenario.

    Why the Agents of Atlas don't get more love from Marvel since they're defintiely NOT the FF or X-Men, and thus don't have the same movie right restrictions as those aforementioned properties, I'll never know. At least have them appear on the Agents of SHIELD show. It's unclaimed money if they do it right.

  5. I was a big fan of the Agents of Atlas as well. However, I have mixed feelings about Marvel bringing them back unless they are written by Jeff Parker who I believe wrote all or nearly all of their modern appearances. I'm afraid if someone else got their hands on them they'd only screw them up.

    And speaking of an Agents of Atlas team-up, I always thought they'd go good together with the modern version of Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters!

    And (of course) I'm always happy to see a Kamandi cover. I like Anonymous #1's idea of teaming The Last Boy on Earth with the Zoo Crew, but I'd like it even better to see him teamed up with a variety of animal characters such as Rocket Raccoon, Bugs Bunny, Pink Panther, Mickey Rat, etc.

  6. Oh, my goodness. I'd pay serious coin to see this comic in real life! :-)

  7. I'd pay real-world cash to see Kamandi team up with Usagi Yojimbo, Thunderbunny, and that silly rabbit from Trix! The latter three could be rescuing him from anthropomorphic leopards as...

    "The Knights of Lepus!"

  8. @ Carycomic: I see what you did there. You referenced that old eco-horror Western from the early 1970's. Didn't you?
