Monday, July 31, 2017

Green Arrow and Daredevil & Black Widow

Presenting the conclusion to yesterday's tale....

The one Marvel hero that I really want to cross over from the movies to Netflix is Black Widow.  I loved the era when she shared Daredevil's comic with him and think it would be very cool to see a live action version.

Green Arrow crossed paths with these two in STF #1666, and had a solo adventure with DD in STF #590...


  1. I'm still hoping to see Scarlet Johannson team-up on the silver screen with Affleck's Daredevil!*

    *Or, failing that (because of Ben's committment to the DCEU films as Batman) maybe his brother Casey.

    1. Nah, Affleck won't return as Daredevil. He has said in interviews that he wasn't very proud of playing the character and said that he would never reprise his role in a future adaptation, which is a shame because the film is criminally underrated IMO.

      That being said, I'm guessing you haven't realised that Charlie Cox plays Daredevil in the MCU.

  2. Interesting cover with the loose-fitting costume on GREEN ARROW here.

    I believe BLACK WIDOW traded DAREDEVIL for HERCULES when she joined The CHAMPIONS.

    Marvel should consider an action/espionage type of movie that features only BLACK WIDOW and HAWKEYE together on some sort of secret mission. They just need to do something about that bland HAWKEYE costume.

  3. In later issues of Avengers Spotlight, Hawkeye had a costume with a helmet and goggles. I think the movies could work something like that in, especially since a helmet would add protection and could include tech like communications equipment and special goggles for night vision, scopes, computer screen, etc.

  4. Just so long as Marvel Films NEVER uses that asinine gray outfit Clint wore in the early 1970's, post-Goliath!

  5. That outfit Hawkeye wore with headband was worse than almost any costume worn in current era of films.

  6. @Mateus: Who's Charlie Cox?*

    *Dead serious.

  7. Major shout out to Super Team family. They’re killing it with these covers. Absolutely amazing 🤩
