Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The Anti-Monitor Vs. Galactus

I recently re-watched the Green Lantern animated series, and I really liked the use of The Anti-Monitor there.  It made me think about how cool it would be to see him show up in a future DC movie, it could make up for the disappointment of Galactus as a cloud in the second FF film.  On TV, The Flash and the other CW shows seem to eventually be heading towards a Crisis storyline, so maybe he could be used there too, if the budget allows.


  1. Wasn't the Anti-Monitor nicknamed "Bob" or something?
    I really liked the Green Lantern series. I just wish they hadn't done a couple things like start with the Red Lanterns or have Hal use a ship. Look what happened to Abin Sur when he used a ship!

  2. That's the show, everybody! Thank you and goodnight!

    (Aka -- how the heck do you follow this?)

  3. Funny version--the two of them, and Unicron, in a cosmic pie-eating contest.

  4. I think the Anti-Monitor would be just the thing on the CW shows. The producers could then bring Supeerman, Supergirl, the Martian Manhunter, et al into the other shows' universe. Then they'd be one step closer to having the Justice League for that world. It'd also give us a chance to see some of the Earth-3 heroes besides their Flash.

    @AirDave - The Anti-Monitor was the Monitor's opposite number during the Crisis on Infinite Earths. Bob the Monitor was the evil member of the group of Monitors featured in Final Crisis.

    Re: this cover - Wow. This would have to be a huge epic, with calamity befalling every other major cosmic dude from the Spectre to the Living Tribunal. It's just... wow. And the art is one of your better crafting jobs, too.

  5. I actually had this match up for my regular column, So, Who Would Win?
    I still don't know the answer to that one, especially since Galactus was recently turned into a Lifebringer, then back again to his old self. Idk, but I'm favoring Galactus since he already survived the destruction of one universe.

  6. @ Mr. Acer: Ominkron of FUTURE QUEST FAME would probably devour all three of them.

    @ Ross: how did you think of this mind-boggling concept? Was it initially some idle speculation like: "What if the Anti-monitor tried to capture Axel Asher (alias Access?)"

  7. It's just a clash that I have always wanted to see.

  8. Ross said...
    "It's just a clash that I have always wanted to see."

    Definitely one best watched from a different universe, though...

  9. AirDave said...
    "Look what happened to Abin Sur when he used a ship!"

    I only just realised, on my way to work today, that DC gave Abin Sur -- Hal's predecessor as GL in the Corps -- the same initials as Alan Scot who was his predecessor in terms of DC Comics publication. That has to have been deliberate...

  10. @Dale Bagwell: "So, Who Would Win?"

    Considering they once destroyed the DC Multiverse, I would say either Batmite or Mr. Mxyzptlk could whip both these guys, single-handedly.
