Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Fantastic Four and Doctor Light

The heroic Doctor Light, Kimiyo Hoshi,  has been woefully underused.  She had a great start, being introduced in Crisis on Infinite Earths and becoming a founding member of the all new Justice League comic - but not much was done with her after that,  She showed up in Justice League Unlimited, but just as a background character.  She got a live action shot on The Flash, but was gone after an episode or two.  I think she still has tons of untapped potential as a character.


  1. Agreed! The 80s Justice League (and then JLI) is pretty much the book that got me into comics, and it always seemed weird how she was handled there. She was a part of the crew and then...nah, let's just focus on everybody else instead. Maybe there were just too many personalities to take on in that book.


  2. Showing this version of the Fantastic Four with She-Hulk as a member reminded me that when I first began reading them, Medusa was a member of the team along with Reed, Ben and Johnny. Have you ever thought of doing a cover with that version of the FF?


  3. I too would love to have seen more of the heroic Doctor Light. I was rather excited when I saw a live-action female Doctor Light on The Flash, and was only slightly disappointed when she turned out to be (A) a super-criminal (albeit a not-especially-vicious one), and (B) Linda Park's doppelganger. Still, the last I remember, that character was "in the wind," so she might show up again -- or even be recruited into the Legends.

    Meanwhile, Ross, I encourage you to keep bringing her in on this blog, encouraging DC to make use of her! She's had a very nice cover with the similarly-powered Photon (#315); how about next time she teams up with fellow Japanese citizen Sunfire? (Maybe to do battle against Godzilla!)

  4. Remember that New Amalgam fan project I've mentioned? There, Dr. Light was mixed with the Invisible Woman to make Dr. Invisible, a founder of the Justice Four. The other members are her husband Mr. Plastic (Plastic Man/Mr. Fantastic), her step-brother Torchstorm (Firestorm/the Human Torch), and their friend Bullet-Thing (Bulletman/the Thing).

  5. Personally, I think Ben Grimm is hiding out _with_ Dagger (from STF #1865)! Can't you just picture it? Dagger gets captured by the Mole Man's Subterraneans, as he's still captivated by any surface female better looking than himself. He brainwashes both of them the same way he once brainwashed Tyrannus (in FF v.1/#150). And, based on the conflicting agendas they both have, Dr. Arthur Light crosses paths with his Japanese namesake. Result?

    Namesake slugfest...a la the time Luke Cage duked it out with Erik Josten (a certain ex-mercenary formerly employed by Baron Heinrich Zemo) over the Power Man moniker.

  6. Love John Bryne art.

  7. Love the idea of Doctor Light and Sunfire fighting Godzilla. I think it is hard for some to wrap their head around that Doctor Light used to be a villain and she has absolutely no villainous tendencies so that might be a good basis of a story with someone even claiming her costume and powers were stolen from the Doctor Light villain. Have seen the male Doctor Light once in a messed up (IMO) crossover and he is dead so not sure what her origin is in new DC universe and whether she was ever in the JLA.

  8. The Fantastic Four: "Turn the light down a little bit, you're blinding us!"
