Thursday, April 6, 2017

The Creeper Vs. Wolverine

Usually, this is where I would include my review of Logan, but I haven't seen it yet.  I thought the first solo Wolverine film was a mess and the second, while a big step up in quality, was just okay.  This third outing had some nice reviews and good buzz, but frankly all of the footage I saw was of old Wolverine and Professor X hanging out in the desert with a little kid - kind of small scale action that would be more suitable for a rental.  So I will ask my knowledgeable visitors - as spoiler free as you can keep it, did I make the right decision?  Or should I head out to the theater to see Logan on the big screen?


  1. My views on the first two Wolverine films parallel yours and I loved the recent film. By far the best of the lot. It's at once, moving, gory, funny and somber and it all works.
    Well worth watching in the theater, though I wouldn't call it a spectacle, more of a gritty cage match.

  2. We saw it in the theatre and enjoyed it a lot. Definitely worth seeing in the theatre.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. In my opinion the movie is type best seen on big screen and you will lose something seeing on TV at home.

    The weaknesses are as bad as the first X-Men movie with Professor X being killed..

  5. I gave it ten stars in my main review at IMDB! Don't be fooled by the number of nay-sayers who found it useless, though. They probably think I'm a corporate shill for Marvel Films.* To which I retort: "Reaver-lovers!"

    *I should be so financially lucky!

  6. As regards today's cover? Not bad! Although, I think I would've preferred Iron Man vs. the Creeper. Maybe having a minor disagreement over which was the true surname of the professor they were rescuing.







  7. If you don't see Logan on the big screen, you'll regret it when you rent it. This is as far above the other Wolverine films as The Dark Knight was above Batman and Robin.

  8. Great cover. Good to actually see WOLVERINE in his best costume design.
    The CREEPER is always a lot of fun. It would be great to see him team-up with The PROWLER.

  9. "Logan" - well, it's definitely an R rated movie. Lots of unnecessary violence and gore, lots of profanity, and it seems somebody tried to do "Deadpool" but not funny or entertaining.

    It is NOT a comic book movie. It is a violence-porn movie with comic characters in it.

    Everyone has an opinion, and mine seems to differ from a lot of folks. But I found this to be a disappointment. I suppose if you like the violence and adult entertainment, go see it on the big screen. But you have to REALLY like the adult take on this to appreciate it.

    As for today's cover... I can't help but wish that someone would restore the Creeper to his original character, instead of making him the Joker in yellow, and (purportedly) a good guy. This cover is a nice one... I enjoy it!

  10. LOGAN is not a superhero film, its a modern Western - the way DARK KNIGHT was not a superhero film but a crime thriller. Don't go expecting spandex and happy endings, go see it looking for great character acting and the story of a tragic protagonist faced with nothing but bad choices to make.

  11. It will work fine as a rental... but that said, I'm *really* glad that I saw it in the theater. My wife called it the best samurai-western masquerading as a superhero film that she had ever seen, and I can't argue with that.

  12. Darryn said...
    "LOGAN is not a superhero film, its a modern Western - the way DARK KNIGHT was not a superhero film but a crime thriller. Don't go expecting spandex and happy endings, go see it looking for great character acting and the story of a tragic protagonist faced with nothing but bad choices to make."

    Like CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER is not a superhero film but a political thriller.

    Ross, it's actually a good film and it's worth your time in seeing it, either in the cinema or wait until the film is out on home media and digital distribution.

  13. How about Young Man Wolverine meets Harpoon Hand Aquaman?

  14. The greatest superhero film ever made.
