Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Snake Eyes Vs. Deathlok

Has Deathlok ever appeared in animated form?  I remember the Spider-Man 90's cartoon had a ton of guest stars and cameos, so maybe he showed up there.  I am not up on all of the recent Marvel/Disney animated shows. maybe he's appeared on one of those as well.  At any rate, it would be cool to see - I'd love an animated version of his team up with Captain America from the 80's.


  1. This is the coolest team-up, yet!!!!! :-D

    I remember this version of Deathlok. The original Luther Manning cyborg from a cyberpunk future of Earth-691. Which, btw, was considered the mainstream Marvel Earth up until Dr. Strange's time-reversal spell at the end of the first run-in between Kulan Gath and the X-men in Hyborianized Manhattan.

    Thanks for posting this, Ross. Again, this brings back a lot of great memories.

    1. What issue of x men was that?

  2. Deathlok did appear in one episode of Disnet's "Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H."

  3. In an episode of Black Panther, there was also a team of Deathloks sent to assist Black Panther from invasion vs Klaw and his allies.

  4. @Anon: UNCANNY X-MEN (v. 1) #'s 190-191

  5. Thanks for the info. :-)
