Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Luke Skywalker and Swamp Thing

The next Star Wars film has a name now - The Last Jedi.  I am hoping that Luke will make it through all three pictures, especially since he was barely in the last one and the final film will not have Leia - but with a title like that, I am a little worried as to what is in store for him.  Mark Hamill pointed out that "Jedi" can be singular or plural, so that certainly opens up possibilities.


  1. Irony is a "funny" thing ain't it? (SPOILER ALERT) Han's gone. Now Leia's gone. That title just seems ironic, don't it. I'm sure as a diehard Star Wars fan, the next two films are going to be very memorable and sentimental. Cool cover! The latest Star Wars is in stores today, featuring a Tale of Times Past from Ben Kenobi's journal of an adventure featuring Yoda!

  2. I too hope Luke makes it through the entire sequel trilogy as well.

  3. I wonder if they would have killed off Han Solo if they knew Leia was not going to be available.

  4. I also hope Luke will be around for Episode IX.

    However, I'm interpreting "The Last Jedi" differently. As of the film's start, Luke is indeed the last Jedi, but that doesn't mean that he can't train someone else, such as Rey.

    As to this cover, I think you've provided something that would certainly have me wondering what's transpiring inside. Nice job, Ross!

  5. I'm wondering if Rey could be a long-lost lovechild from between Episodes 5 and 6. As Luke and Leia (still unaware of their kinship) might've "consoled" each other during that interim!

    P.S.---I'd buy today's issue in a New York minute. I could just imagine Alec Holland being astrally summoned to Dagobah by that giant tree from SW:TESB. With the latter turning out to be a Neti Darksider!

  6. I thought this was a ridiculous crossover. Than I remember Swamp Thing did travel the stars after he "died" in Alan Moore's run.

  7. @FLF: Plant elementals _never_ die. They just wither away.

  8. @Cc: Only to re-sprout elsewhere.
