Sunday, December 25, 2016

Calvin & Hobbes and Peanuts

I'd like to take this time to wish a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all who take the time to visit this page.  It has been another fun year, with the blog topping 3.5 million views.  I truly  appreciate all of your feedback and suggestions and hope you are spending time with the ones you love today.  A special thanks goes out to the Patrons - you have helped this project to continue!


  1. Thanks to you for all the fun team ups! This one is a great way to start Christmas! Two of my favorite comics, and one of the best Christmas specials!
    Merry Christmas to all!

  2. Best. Cover. Ever.
    Merry Christmas, Ross!

    You're the super hero here!

  3. Fabulous teaming idea; thanks!

    Happy Holidays to you, as well. :-)

  4. Merry Christmas!
    Keep up the great work!

  5. Thanks, I hope you all had a great day today!

  6. This is a very appropriate cover for this day. May you all be blessed as we celebrate the birth of our Savior. Ross, thank you for the covers that you give. It is so nice to see these ideas that you have, and as I have said before, I wish the companies with the rights to all the characters you depict would consider actually writing these stories and put them out. There is good stuff on these blogs.

  7. Merry Christmas to you also Ross. Perfect cover for today. Captures the innocence, joy, and comeraderie of youth, something we should all strive for from time to time.

  8. How about Snoopy and Spaceman Spiff vs the Red Barron?

  9. Lol how about Peanuts and Boondocks next time!

  10. Beautiful cover! Merry Christmas. I can hardly wait ot see what you come up with for 2017....

  11. Great pairing, a nice tribute to two icons of the field. Have a Merry one and keep 'em coming.

  12. Nice. Wonder how Calvin & Hobbes would interact with Bloom County.

  13. Click on the "Cat Precinct" label to see Hobbes and Bill the Cat among an all-feline team...

  14. Thank you, and a slightly belated "Happy Christmas!" back.

    Reading some back-issues of various Superman-related comics from the 1980s recently, I found an amusing reference. Morgan Edge had given Cat Grant's son Adam a really fancy (child-sized, driveable) "toy" car, and when thanking him for the gift Adam gloated:
    "Wait until my friend Calvin sees this. All he's got is that silly stuffed tiger."


  15. I was offline (for the most part) over the weekend, but I do want to say that this is a dead-on cover for Christmas.

    And that I hope your holiday, Ross, and those of all the regulars here was simply fantastic.

  16. Ironic use of the most I merchandized comic strip of all time and the one holdout to merchandizing in any form. Would enjoy reading this.

  17. It would have been especially interesting to see the Peanuts characters' reaction to some of Calvin's snow creations!
