Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Power Girl and Sif

For being such a popular subject of cosplayers, it's surprising hat we have not seen an official live action Power Girl yet.   Of course, Supergirl would be the most obvious place for this to happen.  They have already introduced Cadmus Labs and the concept of multiple Earths, so there are plenty of ways they could go about bringing her in.


  1. Darkseid, himself, doesn't stand a chance against three such powerful weapons. ;-)

  2. I think there are four reasons we haven't seen Power Girl in film or TV:

    1. Casting. You need a large-breasted female bodybuilder who can act. Not an easy casting call.
    2. The costume. Use the iconic version and every self-appointed defender of womynhood will scream bloody murder; cover the boob window and the fans will complain.
    3. The origin. Most supers have a simple origin; Power Girl's is complicated, ever-changing, and heavily tied to the minutiae of the DC comics universe.
    4. Wonder Woman. Warner may be reluctant to "dilute the brand" of their more prominent female superhero.

  3. Lovely concept. I would probably have paired Sif with Wonder Woman, but this is just splendid!

    I think that Power Girl as a character in an ongoing story is not interesting enough. As a pin-up... well, yeah, probably. But I don't think DC wants to do cheesecake quite THAT hard... then again, they need to sell ANYTHING, so they might.

    COMPLETELY UNRELATED: Get out and VOTE today, people! Your vote DOES count and DOES matter, and you KNOW who you want to vote for as president. You MUST go out and vote! Thanks.

  4. Most likely, the main reason that we haven't had a live-action Power Girl yet is the story. How would she fit into the ongoing story that the writers want to tell? (I haven't been able to watch Supergirl so I couldn't even guess at that.) Yes, the casting of a busty but muscular female, preferably blonde and in her 20s, who can deliver the character would be a challenge, but there's a pretty large pool of talent to draw on and there must be some woman out there who can do the job.

    I don't think the producers would shy away from the cleavage window, though. It's an iconic part of Power Girl as a character, and even if her reason for having it -- and even her own feelings about it -- have changed over time (maybe she has some Kryptonian equivalent of bipolar disorder? Well, that's what I'd do if I was writing it) it's still a distinguishing factor.

    As for this cover, Ross, it's another one of your more excellent jobs, and fine ideas. I could certainly envision this story being full of high-powered action, and some interesting interactions between the two heroines.

  5. As for her origin, I don't think that would be so hard to overcome. As Ross pointed out, they've already introduced the concept of alternate universes in the CW DC universe. They could simply go back to PG's original origin (am I the only one amused by the phrase "original origin") and say that she is an alternate universe version of Supergirl.

    I think that Cambias's first two points are quite valid though. However, i think that there could be some kind of happy compromise on the costume. They could even give a valid reason for it: "A little cleavage tends to distract the male supervillains."

    Also, I love this team-up....

  6. The CW has never been afraid to make major changes to characters they adapt, so why would Power Girl be any different?

  7. The easiest way to do Power Girl would be to make her the Arrowverse-version of Supergirl.

  8. As I recall, her white leotard initially _lacked_ a "boob window."

    It was only slightly later, a year or so before the COIE (which DC still claims, with ever-decreasing credibility, "streamlined" their over-crowded multiverse) that they introduced it. The official in-story explanation being that she wanted to _prove_ herself worthy of wearing the "House of El" logo. Rather than just donning it out of pure nepotism.

    As to introducing her into the CW-verse? They could always modify the plot device that was used in JLU: TAS. Albeit, with a little Silver Age flavoring. English translation; make her a clone produced by exposure to red kryptonite! Either a meteor of the stuff that her spaceship in between its exit from the Phantom Zone and its arrival in Earth orbit. Or a chunk of said meteor used--by Cadmus--to stabilize the cloning process. Thereby preventing the Frankenstein-like "Bizarro Effect!"

  9. Not for nothing, Anon. But, wouldn't it be much simpler to have Supergirl visit the Flash, on his Earth, during Sweeps Weeks? And have her presence catalyze a local counterpart of Kara still carrying an as-yet latent amount of quantum charge? Perhaps, even with a little help from Dr. Alchemy?

  10. Well, if you want to take all the elaborate fun out of it... :-(

  11. Dear Ross:

    How about a Silver Age Defenders/Planetary team-up?
    ---Anonymous (no relation).

  12. How about a Donald Trump and Bucky Berns team up

    P.S. Good luck to all our friends in the usa

  13. Power Girl's "window" appeared in the very first comic she appeared in (All-Star Comics #58). I know because Power Girl as drawn by the great Wally Wood made a big impression on my adolescent psyche. The window disappeared for awhile only to reappear later.

  14. How about a Power Girl/Hilary Clinton team-up?

    You could call it: "A Lump For D. Trump."

  15. @Sonofjack: the "boob window" was still a lot more modest in ALL-STAR (vol. 2) #58 compared to how it was drawn in much later decades. Plus, there was at least one issue (circa ALL-STAR v.2/#65) where the upper area of the white leotard was completely and undeniably opaque!

  16. I am more interested in the SIF portion of team up. She has teamed up with Wonder Woman and Power Girl so next natural pair up is Big Barda,
