Monday, October 3, 2016

Static and Storm in: "Jump Start My Heart!"

I am glad to hear that Static and the other Milestone characters will get another shot, as Milestone Media is gearing up for a relaunch.  I was a fan of the character in comics as well as animation and still think that he, Icon, Hardware and the rest of  the heroes from Mileston have a lot of potential.

Static and Storm first met in STF #664...


  1. I kinda liked the idea that Static was Black Lightning's sidekick. I think that showed up in the recent Brave and the Bold, didn't it?

  2. @ Air Dave: Something along those lines.*

    "Power lines, that is!"

  3. Nice cover, Ross -- it could almost be a continuation of this pair's previous meeting (even though that was posted quite a long time ago).

  4. I'm not really familiar with STATIC, but that is one cool costume.

  5. If Ororo Munro married the FF's Human Torch, would that make her...

    ...Storm Storm?
