Sunday, September 11, 2016

Stingray and Aquaman

I am still not sold on Jason Mamoa as Aquaman.  The Justice League footage shown at Comicon was interesting, but Mamoa just doesn't look anything like the character from the comics... not even the hook and beard phase (my least favorite look for Aquaman).  Maybe I just need to see him doing something more heroic instead of simply standing around.  If he rides a giant seahorse in the movie, all will be forgiven!


  1. I'm more there than you are, but it would have been nice to at least dye his hair/beard blonde.

  2. If Jason Momoa doesn't work out as Aquaman, we can know at least that it'll be casting to blame, and not his acting. I haven't seen him in a lot outside Stargate: Atlantis, and h has yet to disappoint. (I haven't seen his work in Game of Thrones, though I've heard nothing but good things.) In addition, in the trailers I've seen online he does some very good projection of emotion, and a sense of nuance.

    As for Scott's suggestion of dying Jason's hair and beard... while I might have preferred someone who looks more like the usual, familiar blonde Aquaman, I don't really think it's necessary. Billy Dee Williams played Harvey Dent (albeit in just a cameo), Will Smith played James West (one of a handful of good things about that film), and Idris Elba was being promoted as James Bond (he recently said that it wouldn't work because he's "too old"), so why not let Jason keep his look as Aquaman? As long as he ends up wearing something at least generally resembling this classic orange-and-green look, I'm OK with it; he'll look more like Aquaman than Jeremy Renner looks like Hawkeye.

  3. Great cover! I always thought that STINGRAY looked cool. Speaking of cool costumes, we need a cover with SUNFIRE and WILDFIRE now.

  4. I didn't mind so much when Aquaman grew his beard, but the harpoon/hook hand made me cringe. Why would anyone who had access to the level of technology that Aquaman had (what with his Justice League connections, etc.)choose the sharp end of a harpoon at the end of his arm instead of a prosthetic hand. It just made no sense whatsoever. I was very happy when Erik Larsen fixed this problem.

  5. My biggest problem with casting Jason Mamoa as Aquaman is that, while he doesn't much resemble comics Aquaman, he *does* look almost perfect to have played Namor. (Even his friggin' eyebrows look right!) But the odds of Marvel casting him as Namor after playing Aquaman are probably slim. *Sigh* Such a wasted opportunity...

  6. @Bob Greenwade: But, in BATMAN FOREVER, Harvey Dent was so traumatized by the acid throw in his face that the left half of it turned Caucasian-white! As for "TWWW: The Movie?" I think half the reason it tanked at the box office is that people were expecting Will Smith to have the African-American-sounding first name of "Artemus" (lol)!

    With regard to Jason Mamoa's casting, as Aquaman, however? I remember him playing one of the lifeguards during the final, Hawaiian-based season of BAYWATCH. So, he does have _some_ experience with underwater film shoots. Furthermore, if the script writers really do have to come up with some kind of concise back story, within the JLA movie, they could describe Tom Curry as a lighthouse keeper within the U.S. Virgin Islands!*

    *Having once been known as the Danish West Indies, there's as much Nordic heritage among the islanders as there is West African and Latin American.

  7. How about a sequel to this covert? Stingray encounters the Gerry and Sylvia Anderson Stingray Crew with possible Aqua Marina being threatened or something. LOLOLOL

  8. Thunderbird 2 coming out of the batcave

  9. Anonymous said...
    "Thunderbird 2 coming out of the batcave"

    "Thunderbats are go!"

  10. In part 2, while Aquaman is away, Black Manta arrives, but is beaten off by Stingray, Happy Terrill, and the Atom, in battle of the Rays.

  11. @Neil, Simreeve, and Namesake: how about Janet Van Dyne meets the World Aquatic Security Patrol in "Wasp vs. W.A.S.P."? Or even "Batman And The Thunderbirds vs. The Puppet Master!"?

  12. I don't like the idea of Momoa as Aquaman, but don't mind the idea of casting someone who doesn't look like the comic book character. It's always fun when you can get someone like Chris Hemsworth, or Bumbleshoot Cumberbund, or Charlix Cox who looks like you expect. Given the choice, I'd rather see a good actor who doesn't look like the comic book version than someone who has the perfect look and can't act.

    I suspect we're going to see Momoa play Aquaman as a hard-drinking, skirt-chasing, bad-tempered beach bum who has an impressive glower. After all, tht's how he played Conan that way, and Ronan Dax. I haven't seen Game of Thrones yet, so maybe I'm not being fair. It seems to me, though, that he's one of hose actors who gets cast based on looks alone and brings nothing but looks to the role.

    I'd have liked to see Daniel Day Kim as Aquaman.

  13. Daniel Dae Kim would've been more ideal as a Checkmate Knight. Or, perhaps, even Rising Sun! But, as far as Mamoa not having any acting ability? That honestly remains to be seen. I, too, only saw him on the final season of BAYWATCH. And, personally, I don't think he did such a bad job, there!

  14. Anonymous said...
    "@Neil, Simreeve, and Namesake: how about Janet Van Dyne meets the World Aquatic Security Patrol in "Wasp vs. W.A.S.P."? Or even "Batman And The Thunderbirds vs. The Puppet Master!"?"

    Janet van Dyne should meet Sue Dibny, I think that they'd get on very well together...

  15. Given that "Rebirth" has cancelled out the events of "Identity Crisis," I see no logistical problem with such a team-up. Mentally and emotionally, however, the writers at DC and Marvel can get pretty myopic (as I'm sure you'll agree).
