Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Amanda Waller and Nick Fury

Suicide Squad seems to have withstood some harsh reviews and has made over 700 million worldwide, so maybe we will see some sequels after all.  It's the kind of team that can really be changed up from movie to movie, so there are plenty of directions to go in.  I'd like to see Bronze Tiger, Nightshade and Father Craemer show up, three of my favorite characters from the John Ostrander run on the comic series.


  1. Who knows? Maybe Don Cheadle could join the cast in the role of Bronze Tiger.

  2. Just wanted to say, great cover, and great concept. This is one of the ones I'd really, really like to read.

  3. The Ostrander version of Deadshot always struck me as more as having a stern Clint Eastwood attitude. I did enjoy Will Smith's version, though I think he'd done very well as the Bronze Tiger. As for another movie, I'm all for it. Hopefully it will be against the group Jihad, or something like the Janus Directive storyline. As for who I'd want in it, I have too many hopefuls to put in there.

  4. I'd say any sequels are a bit in doubt; pretty sure they're viewing the success as more fuel for a Harley movie.

  5. Is it too much to hope they would make it into a TV series?

  6. A long time ago I planned a DC/Marvel crossover story based around Fury and Waller, which pretty much had Nick being removed from director of SHIELD due to some political manuvers and replaced with Waller.
    Later the two of them met at Arlington -- over the grave of Frank Rock -- and Waller offered Nick to get back on board as first operative agent, the basic reasoning being that she needed a bastard that would do the right thing and not hesitate one second to stop her if she went too far.

    Maybe I should dig it out some day.

  7. I'd read it! Make it available! Please! I've seen most of current Suicide Squad stories and they are quite lacking as they most focus on Joker and Harley relationships. So disappointing as I want to read a real Suicide Squad story.
