Thursday, May 19, 2016

Snake Plissken and Mister Miracle

While I have reservations about DC using Jack Kirby's Fourth World villains for the upcoming Justice League movies (hard to get excited about Steppenwolf and Darkseid may be too close to Marvel's Thanos plans) - one side effect that I do like is the door will be opened so some of the cooler New Gods character to show up down the line.  I'd love to see a film chronicling Scott Free's escape from Granny Goodness and meeting with Big Barda to make their way to Earth.


  1. Cool cover!
    Shame that Kirby's New Gods don't rate a solo movie of their own, like The Inhumans. The whole Justice League model looks like DC copying Marvel.

    Anybody remember that April Fool's gag where Snake Plissken was part of a 1985 League of Extraordinary Gentlemen?

  2. Is a mother box a bit like a New Genesis smartphone? Escape these chains? I've got an app for that.

  3. Snake Plissken meets Mister Miracle... I can honestly say that this is one team-up i never saw coming. Not in a million years... Keep up the stellar work!

  4. @AirDave: if DC/Warner is half as smart as they think they are, they'll release the New Gods movie, first, so as to make Marvel Films look like copycats with any Inhumans flick!

    @SonofJack: I can just picture Snake Plissken having been hired by Bruce Wayne to help set...Scott free.


  5. Snake Plissken? I thought he was dead...

  6. Snake Plissken? I thought he was dead...

  7. And then there could be 'Escape from Gotham', set during the "No Man's Land" storyline...

  8. How about Snake Plissken and Superman... 'S' Cape From Metropolis!

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