Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Superman and The Hulk (The Movie!)

I was glad to see The Incredible Hulk join the Saturday Night MeTV family recently.  Nothing like curling up to back to back episodes of The Adventures of Superman, Batman, The Incredible Hulk, Wonder Woman, Star Trek and a Svengoolie-hosted classic horror movie.  That's what I call a power-packed line-up!

Superman had a more traditional comic adventure with The Hulk(s) in an earlier STF Issue...


  1. Unfortunately, it's highly unlikely many episodes of the Hulk make it into reruns. Many of these shows seem to have a very limited run of episodes that make it into syndication.

    One of the most obscure Hulk episodes must be the child-beater episode with Sally Kirkland. Watch and see if it ever airs.

    I remember a Scholastic magazine (or what was it? Some kids magazine) with illustrations of Ferrigno's Hulk, Carter's Wonder Woman, I believe Reeve as Superman and the Enterprise on the cover.

  2. This 'movie' would have been so good.

    And I'm with you re: MeTV. Every Saturday, soon after I wake up, I check the evening's line-up. Last weekend, the Svengoolie movie was "King Kong vs. Godzilla." It was a childhood favorite, but I had forgotten how little the two monsters were actually in the show.

  3. I UsuallY end up recording Svengoolie and watching it the next morning - while making one of these covers! Something about classic monster movies inspires me.

  4. Now, THIS is your praise-worthiest one, yet. :-D

  5. Awesome! I'd love to see if a really skilled film editor could make something like this happen.

  6. Looks like I have to buy a better antenna!

  7. This cover reminds me of an idea I've had bouncing around in my strange noggin for some time now. I've always thought it would be cool to see an Avengers/Justice League like team made up of superhero-type movie character that were not part of an extended universe. I'm talking about characters like Hancock, Darkman, G-Girl from My Super Ex-Girlfriend, the Bruce Willis character from Unbreakable (I think of him as Security Man because of his poncho.), Meteor Man, etc. I think I would probably even extend it to include Robocop.

    While I'm on the subject, has anyone else seen this quirky Australian film called Griff the Invisible? I mean I know others have seen it but...

  8. This is definitely GREAT!!! I try to watch Me-TV Saturdays, though I have dvds of Batman and 2 seasons of Hulk. I'm a fan of the older shows in general and these comic adaptations with the original Star Trek, I'm hooked!

  9. Sonofjack Well said...
    "This cover reminds me of an idea I've had bouncing around in my strange noggin for some time now. I've always thought it would be cool to see an Avengers/Justice League like team made up of superhero-type movie character that were not part of an extended universe. I'm talking about characters like Hancock, Darkman, G-Girl from My Super Ex-Girlfriend, the Bruce Willis character from Unbreakable (I think of him as Security Man because of his poncho.), Meteor Man, etc. I think I would probably even extend it to include Robocop."

    Don't forget Captain Invincible, from the enjoyable 1980s musical film (starring Alan Arkin as the hero, and Christopher Lee -- singing, in one scene -- as his opponent Mr Midnight) 'The Return of Captain Invincible'.

    "Who is the one true friend of America,
    Friend of the people, from farmer to senator?
    Keeping America free from the predator,
    So that the meek and the weak shall inherit her?
    Who is there fights for the right, always wins the war,
    Wielding justice from the blue?
    Who stands for me and for you and for principle?
    Captain Invincible that's who!"

  10. @Simreeve: I only remember Mr. Terrific! Sort of a cross between Superman and Maxwell Smart. A humble 97-pound auto mechanic, named Stanley Beemish, who lived in Washington, DC, he was ironically the only one not allergic to a Miraclo-type wonder pill developed by a CONTROL-type government agency.

    It was a one-season wonder for CBS during the Sixties. So, it's not surprising that most people under age 50 might've forgotten it. But, for me? It's hard to forget a guy who wears a gold lame' unitard...with matching windbreaker and skier's goggles!

  11. Lou Ferrigno top billing? Unlikely. More likely Chris, then Bill, then Lou.

  12. BTW, I got a better antenna, and it's great on Saturday nights when I am home! Thanks for the heads up!
