Friday, April 22, 2016

Iron Fist and The Bronze Tiger

When I first heard that Will Smith had been cast in Suicide Squad, my first thought was that perhaps he would be playing The Bronze Tiger.  It will be interesting to see what Smith does with the role of Floyd Lawton/Deadshot - but I am a little disappointed that we wont be seeing Ben Turner on the big screen.  Hopefully the film will be enough of a success to warrant sequels, and The Bronze Tiger will get another chance to take part in the action.


  1. Wow! Daredevil/TMNT yesterday and Iron Fist/Bronze Tiger today! I suppose it's too much to hope for a Shang-Chi/Richard Dragon team-up tomorrow, huh?

  2. I think Anthony Mackie would do a great job as "Bronze Tiger" Turner. I mean, if Ben Affleck can do convincing double-duty as Daredevil and Batman, why not the actor who's already proven himself so superbly as the Falcon?

    Btw: how about a first-ever teaming of Spidey and the Tick?

  3. Michael Jai White does a great job as BRONZE TIGER on The ARROW show. It will be hard to take Will Smith serious in the DEADSHOT role or any villainous role for that matter. He's been too much of a nice guy his whole career.

  4. @Wolfhammer & Carycomic: Justin Hartley did an equally incredible job as Green Arrow on SMALLVILLE. Didn't stop WB from replacing him with Amell.

  5. I still kind of wish that Suicide Squad would be a television series, but only because there would be many more hours to see. And it would come out sooner. Nevertheless, I am still looking forward to the movie more than any other this year.

  6. Ross, how about a Bronze Tiger/Wolverine team-up?
    Or maybe Wolvie does a mission with the Suicide Squad?
